The gastronomy of the island offers a lot of cheese obtained with all types of milk. From the processing of the whole will produce the "cheese from Ragusa", the "cheese of Godrano" (also called the Palermo), the "provula Casale" or "Floresta", the "Provolette Ragusa," the "expelled", "tuma ". The "cheese from Ragusa" has a rectangular shape, a compact crust but just 4 mm thick, yellowish color, a paste that, initially soft, becomes harder with the passage of time. It is produced from November to May in the area Ibleo and Ragusa, the aging lasts up to one year. The "cheese of Godrano" shows the form of a box, a smooth, thin crust, pasta and full-bodied, yellow-straw is produced in the period from November to June in the neighboring areas to the city of Palermo, matures in a period ranging from a minimum of three and a maximum of nine months. The "provula" is shaped like a pear, the crust thin and smooth, the pasta dough to "a little hard and yellow, is typical of the province of Messina and is produced from November to July, maturing is optional. Depending on the place of production assumes different names and characteristics: a Floresta is the "provula c'a lumia" with a central lime, in the Ragusa is "provula Burruano chu," called so because contains a knob of butter inside. The "Provolette Ragusa" is very similar to the cheese just described: the typical pear shape, the crust is thin and the cheese is melted, the color tends to yellow, is consumed fresh, it works in the Ragusa area at any time of 'year. The "banished" cheese is low and squat, has a very smooth rind and a soft and white, can be eaten fresh, is produced in the Messina area from November to July. "Tuma" is obtained from whole sheep's milk, cow or mixed, each form can weigh from 4 up to 20 kg, the crust is very rough and full-bodied pasta, eaten fresh, is produced in many parts of the island , especially from March to May, hence the "tuma marzolina. There are many cheeses made from sheep's milk "the primusali", the "tumazzu of piecura", the "Piacentinu. The "primusali" is shaped like a wheel, a soft and wrinkled crust, a soft, white pasta, and it works everywhere in the island throughout the year season in two weeks and it tastes very nice. The "tumazzu of piecura" is the most famous "pecorino", much like the "tuma", except for aging, which can last up to 18 months is very common in Sicily and the production is best in spring. The workmanship is equal in all areas of manufacturing are changing the aging time, animal feed and the amount of fat in milk. If at the time of removing the whey grains of black pepper are added, we get the "chu piecura tumazzu to pee." The "Piacentinu" has a wrinkled rind and a soft but full-bodied pasta and yellow with an unmistakable taste, given the presence of the wild saffron and black pepper, is produced in Enna and the surrounding areas from October to June, matures in about 3 months. Finally there is the "tumazzu cow", with or without pepper : is obtained from cow's milk, has a rough texture and a crust dough very compact, is produced mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bDubrovnik, from October to July, and has varying curing times.
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