Sicily is an island rich in culture, history and traditions: in fact is a major Mediterranean tourist destinations.
The wealth of the island is also a particular area, the gastronomic.
Regional cuisine suggests, in fact, a number of typical Sicilian products that make it even more 'gentle' the stay of tourists and visitors.
From the first two dishes full of flavor: the pasta alla norma and the pasta with sardines .
The first is a typical dish of Catania, made with fried eggplant, tomato and ricotta salata , pasta with sardines, a native of Palermo, is a first in basis with breadcrumbs and fresh sardines.
These are the first two of the most famous dishes and tasty cuisine.
Even among the main courses of typical Sicilian products are particularly rich in taste. From
Eggplant Parmesan cutlets with the Palermo, from grilled swordfish with caponata , a riot of flavor made with eggplant, peppers, onions and olives.
Among the typical Sicilian desserts are probably to lord it. From slush to DOC
cannoli di ricotta ; quashed by the nougat, marzipan from to marzipan sweets : all products made Sicily a true paradise for gourmands.
island looks good, to live, to enjoy.
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