Two days of tasting, sixteen companies of wine, twelve representing the world of agriculture producers of quality, meetings, round tables. It takes the body Degustiviae project of Enos, which ten years ago created the brand Degustivina, the longest running wine festival in Sicily, and now carries on this new project.
And so on Saturday 17 and Sunday, July 18, Palace Pannitteri, Sambuca di Sicilia (AG), will host the wine tasting which will allow a focus on wine and agricultural products from the Fondovalle 624 Palermo-Sciacca.
This territory is, in fact, 60% of wine production in Sicily, which is overlooked by dozens of manufacturers, some of Sicily's most famous Doc ( Monreale, Countess Entellina , Memphis, Sciacca, Salaparuta ), not to mention the Wine Road Terre Sicane .
"The one on the Jato Valley and particularly on the valley road 624 is a project that has been ongoing since 2008 - said Peter Buffa, vice president of Enos -. With 'Degustiviae' we propose the goal of integration between the production of quality wine, because that area is around 60% of Sicilian wine, and world culture, given the archaeological sites insist on the territory. The aim, therefore, is to network intercepting approximately 30 million wine tourists to Europe. "
"With Enos - says Joseph Ferraro, president of the association - we started ten years ago in Degustivina, the longest event on the wine in Sicily. We believed from the beginning to the wine-culture. It is no coincidence that the 17:18 next July has decided to create an event at Sambuca di Sicilia, at the foot of Mount Adranone site, to give opportunities to those who come to visit us to drink a glass of wine and get to know a place where culture and home and too little known. "
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