Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plastic Santa Claus Outdoor

Launch of the 16th edition dell'Enosimposio Assoenologi

The next 15 and 16 July Giardini Naxos will host the 16th edition dell'Enosimposio dell'Assoenologi Section Sicily.

eastern Sicily will be hosting the most important event of the winemakers and Enotecnici Sicilian, inevitably, are organizing the 16th edition dell'Enosimposio of Sicily, which sees the traditional appointment with the experts in wine. An important occasion for celebration but also for winemakers and Enotecnici which involves also their families. A happy return for this the 2010 edition dell'Enosimposio in Giardini Naxos, in the province of Messina, which will be the location for three days of conference sessions but also of fun, July 15 to 18.

"We have established a full program of action that will reflect and develop the most topical issues - said the wine maker Carlo Ferracane, President dell'Assoenologi Sicily - We discuss technical issues concerning the vineyard and the latest terms of winemaking but also of new marketing strategies and new markets. " Among the speakers will intervene

Vito Falco, dir. No technical UO 35 of Marsala, which speaks of the exploitation of Sicilian grapes, Prof. Onofrio Corona del dip. Agro Forestry Engineering Technology University of Palermo Faculty of Agriculture, will present a report entitled "From the conservation of red wines matured" Dr. Stefano Raimondi ICE Office of Wines and Beverage Rome talk about the Sicilian wine between crisis and opportunity, prof. Mario D'Amico, Professor of Economics and Management of Agro Food Business, University of Catania in Sicily will report on the wine industry, and prospects, the researchers dell'IRVV Antonio Guarrera Check and Nicola talk about the characterization of three Doc of South-Eastern Sicily . A moderator will be done by the winemaker Massimiliano Barbera.

The event was organized with the support of the Regional Agriculture and Forestry, the Regional Institute of Vine and Wine, University of Palermo, Degree of Enology and Marsala Agricultural Technical Institute "A. Damian "Marsala. The 16th edition dell'Enosimposio is sponsored by 15 companies in the wine industry.


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