After the pizza with colleagues back home. E 'strangely late, are no longer used and I hasten to providing various obligations presonno. Piss and brushing teeth, food distribution to the beasts, and so conciliatory smoke in bed. I turn on the TV, set the timer and choose the program best suited to produce the ideal conditions for a relaxing break. Match of the League World Cup: Spain - Honduras (replica night.) Teams deployed depart hymns nazionali.Cazzo what a scene! no one does not sing! ah but the English anthem after the Franco dictatorship has "lost" the words ... yes, it does not happen to see the sport almost speechless during the performance of their song but I remember that once this was normal for us Italians .. . For some years we get involved in this race to national pride without even knowing the history of our country. Sti cocks Mazzini and Cavour, the great war or sti cocks of the partisan struggle, I know the anthem by heart and that is enough to show off his love of country. Well, the first thing I thought is what Tony says Pagoda, the star of "They are all right" (Paolo Sorrentino):
"Fatigue ... is the best friend of libertà .Uno spends his life believing that the will, the application, the determination of carattereti can bring freedom. Manco for cock. Only fatigue takes you in that famous room without walls, freedom. Just tired of all you can finally say: I do not come. Do not participate. No, no and no again. Freedom is always saying no. "
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