Sunday, October 3, 2010

Certificate Of Rent Paid Minnesota

Ten minutes

Many interventions during the parliamentary debate in the Chamber of Deputies, on trust to Silvio Berlusconi, contain remarkable points or scratch pad "for future memory," and a stroll through the eyes of the session on the text shorthand, easily available on the website Chamber of Deputies, it may be useful for those who love first-hand information. Here I dwell instead on the explanation of vote democrat secretary Pierluigi Bersani that Unit as defined in his piece: "Ten minutes of action to demolish the wonderful world of Berlusconi," describing a Berlusconi that "listens and shakes his head, smiles, looks for the complicity of Tremonti " and giving readers a tasty treat to militants to suck in the moonlight of the party: "They make all but two years Bersani is to make the party at the Prime Minister." Really? In the end an explanation of vote is denied, you can say everything and the opposite of everything to justify a yes, no or abstention. And then?
Bersani begins: "Mr. Prime Minister, is the second time in twenty-eight months she spoke in the House. The first time was for the installation, and then concluded his speech with a loud "living the Parliament". Since then, here, the more we felt, sent us 36 votes of confidence and 54 decrees. We lived in these two years the glorious time of ghe I think, with results that are visible. " So, with a bar the Secretary with the full flavor of the bar opens Piacenza comparison, is more effective if the "Bagaglino" Berlusconi or his "zelig" or better "vergassolino", which is more trendy and left at the same time. Continue
Bersani: "She then made a key promise in his speech, though - as mentioned - was clear that we had before the crisis. The promise was: growth. He spoke about twenty times the word growth. I would like to inform you that we have had the greatest decline in postwar history, in the crisis, almost twice that of other major European countries. " But the "It's not true," the prime minister in return is not picked up by the reporter who dazzled by joke "I think ghe " goes off on a tangent will report summing well as after, the demolition of the 'glorious time "that 'was to bring economic growth and higher unemployment will be produced, "the five points of ribollita" that should revive the action of government but that lap nena "the real Italy," "promises to march on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria" and "claims of an international role:" Ask the Nobel Peace Prize! "Bersani joked to applause at the end of opposition MPs." And, therefore, the speck already mentioned for the reader to smile-militant, if anything, to cheer and comfort themselves by meditating on nothing of his own party, "Berlusconi And all the while laughing nods or shakes his head and smiles, gives elbow Tremonti and the nearby bench with folded hands is as if to say, but that tells us? ". Exactly.
But we see the original, which explains better. Bersani says, continuing: "The new fact that I would like them to consider is that we are removing - for the first time in our recent history - from the leading group of European countries. How do you take seriously what did you tell today? Let me tell you, a very weak speech, full of promise known, and there was a new fact of his speech. Promises that never come, promises to march on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria, remember that in 2001 it would take three months to make her leave, then told us he would be playing in 2006, now we learn that starts in 2013: keep us updated. " And again: "More promises: lower taxes, federalism will solve everything, we make a good plan for the south - with a lot of the bank - some well known threat to the judiciary and some claim to an international role. Ask the Nobel Peace Prize! I think we're one step away from this request. " But Bersani is aware that the jokes do not a political cabaret, and then sketches an analysis: "Beyond jokes, what is the point after all? The fundamental point is that in his words there is no understanding of the situation in this country. There is Italy, the real one. The Italians are angry, are unhappy, there is confusion, uncertainty, and many are living a real tragedy. Attention, social tensions are exacerbated, and we have a government that often turns on the fires, rather than turn them off. The point that lies beneath all this, Mr. President, I say two years is not enough work in this country. It takes more work in this country. "
And we know that the economy Bersani and chews it so here's perhaps the most credible of the intervention: "The economy is too low in this country. How should we tell? Will not take place to deal with an economy so low, how are we to tell? The income and savings are decreasing, no doubt. The south goes. Now go make promises, after you have killed, and I feel here that write off the tax credit, which will be adopted on loans. This was already there, but you've taken! Come on, come on. Why come to tell us these things? Listen to small businesses. These will tell you that there is less work, less credit, more bureaucracy and a lot of talk before. This is what you say small businesses. Never mind the other speeches. You, however, as is the concept of mass in these weeks, the Italian school? Of how universities are put in practice? You have the concept of the situation of researchers and teachers? Do you have the concept in practice? You know how much services will jump from next January for the dramatic cut that you have imposed on local authorities? You know that the costs have already doubled the canteens? This we know or not know? Then you talk about security. You know what they are thinking of security operators, those who go to the transactions referred to you then you boast? What are they thinking? How about going to take resources from the Fund for the seizures but this is worth 10 percent of what you cut. Mr Prime Minister, not more raccontiamoci things look similar but face this problem. There is a real country, in flesh and blood, who does not want to talk but wants something concrete. "
Well, finally by Pd, it seems, a recognition that we need to stop with the antiberlusconismo a priori and to move from words to deeds. Even if this "let's face 'fades a bit' effect. "Look, it does not seem synonymous with 'do', but more of" debating "the only thing that seems to know the center-left. Tables and tables evoke the problems, but to help solve it as it passes and passes for all water under the bridges of Italy. A few ideas, because the risk of throwing them give her the "enemy"? And so the most that Bersani pulls out of the hat is the ghost of Visco: "So, we pass a tax reform? We have a proposal, you okay? We have a proposal to shift the burden of taxation from employment, businesses and families and to load it up and income tax evasion. And enough with the amnesty! We want to discuss it? ". Discuss, in fact. What else?
"We want to discuss industrial policy, policy on information technology and broadband, policies for energy efficiency, a housing policy that can save energy? We have proposed and are proposals that can give a little 'work. We want to discuss whether to ease a little by allowing local them to have a little 'job sites and work and of supporting basic services? Tell us not to come to talk about money. You can not afford to come to say something about the issue of public accounts because they have only made "high", since 1994, while we have them only ever correct. It is offensive that you come to tell us that. It's offensive! We explain where we get the money, I say we. " But why not tell everyone on live television? Or you need a table? Great beast rhetoric.
Yeah. And the sterile polemics, and bars will creep back: "He said" Government of doing ". But of what to do? Have patience, Mr. President Council, but ruled that 10 years with the League, in the last 7 years 9. I mean, can you do the summary? And in five points ribollita. Three, two, or a point. What has improved in Italy: tell me at least a point. The IRS? Bureaucracy? Work? What has improved this country? We go to the summary, go to the summary. And if nothing ever happens in practice may not always be the fault of the enemy. Once the opposition, then the magistrates, the communists, the Roma, the Constitutional Court. How old is your fault because you want to govern? Do you want to govern for 80 years? How much you want to govern? ". And then to write down a sentence: "The country needs real facts and not propaganda of miracles." Too easy to argue that Italy does not need either a propaganda disaster. The antiberlusconismo as something else in the folk tradition, apparently blinds. It is pure self, that desire to be disappointed by the avant-garde history, turned into a rearguard destiny without appeal.
No, Bersani is not the alternative. Nor is thinking of doing the facetious when he says: "Explain to me the mysterious reason why you, Mr. Prime Minister, do not go to Naples or does not mention him either. I'm going tomorrow. We want to go together to see where is the miracle of the waste? We want to go along with the Eagle to see to what extent is the program of reconstruction? Now we are going to us. Come take a ride to her too. " As if his tour, to Bersani, was miraculous. Misses the post. And that's what makes his lamentations empty. Bleakly empty. Without antiberlusconismo Berlusconi and policies that fills his days, Bersani and his party would disappear, because no reason to exist.
Why is there always comes back, "Mr Barbareschi, beautiful and honest in his speech, he wondered what the point of your political crisis. This is the distance between words and deeds. This is the point. Mr. President, you came with a dream, let out a dream. Then the dream has become a fable, but the story was lost in one thousand bubbles, if I may say so. This is the perception that the country has. And then, she does tell her news that the man is doing and not the theater of politics. Look, she is the manager of this theater here. "
It ends up unconsciously and indirectly declare their political impotence: 'policy for fifteen years is making the circle around her, to her questions, and if you, as we saw this summer, pointing at a victim, that there should be pilloried for sins that she would be (and are) a thousand and ten thousand times forgive, this is not acceptable. Members come and go, once again, because there is a limit to everything. Members come and go, and we now live in tax havens of political careers are in bearer form, the laws are in bearer form. Cara League, let alone when you're tired of your cheer Ministers want to explain to me why the hell you have voted all the laws that have encouraged the clique? If you have made her the crack, these laws! You tell me why? Next, we will not give up. Today you put a trust for weakness, for weakness put it, because nobody wants to hand in the match. Nobody wants to hand the match on the crisis, this is the confidence of the match, let's face it. This here is the confidence of the match. You can not promise more stability and governance to a government more which is worst of the worst we've seen so far, it is not possible. "
confused and ends with an apotheosis of self-consciousness, of reproach for the inefficiency of others who discovers his own, hope to have something tomorrow: "It takes a step that would lead us to a new electoral confrontation with electoral rules more civilized and new projects. We feel that we too, mind you, we too have to shoulder some mistakes, we also have charge of a new project for the country, but you can not traccheggiare, the country can not wait. And do not come and say that we are afraid of the elections: there are the pocket you called in the election, not us, watch out! We have to submit a draft the country. Here today will not open a new page, here you start to close an old page. We open the new page, we will open up. " A blank page. To write what? And when?


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