Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Adjust Riedell Skates For Figures


Tomorrow will be the time to evaluate the new bids in an endless debate. A final area in the debate on trust, however, is reserved to collect what you do not always find space in newspapers and political gossip antiberlusconiano that the reasons for the party. Mal can understand why it does not give similar prominence to help people better understand, to make the reader reflect on the reality "real" and not virtual. Because too often we prefer to design Berlusconi is a virtual world where evil and others are the "angels" of the property. Both angels, for some reason, when they can do more damage control, much more than what is charged daily at the Knight in a sort of unison without nuance, "Silvius delendus East."
A return of post, so to speak, speaking after the Secretary democrat Bersani says, in explanation of vote on behalf of the PDL, Fabrizio Cicchitto. It is not soft, "Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, cleared the field to two questions at once. The election, after those of 2006, were rebuilt in 2008 because you're the center imploded and exploded and we have left different legacies, including Naples. So, if you can not give lessons on a point, that we recognize: that we must make every effort not to be like you. If we become, the trouble starts. And, paradoxically, even in these days of labor is the center of the center is divided, and so deep, even at the strategic level. Anything but old pages and new pages! At the center is not an option. She only hopes to be able to take advantage of unexpected opportunities as a result of a misdiagnosis or divisions occurred in the center and this should be a lesson to us all. "
He continues: "The center can not even give us lessons on another level, when comes to buying and selling of MPs. The ladies Franceschini, Letta and Bersani are as forgetful Collegno: forget what happened at the end of the 1996-2001 legislature, when the Prodi government fell, and he created the first communist government headed by Communist or post in the history of our country , Mr D'Alema. That event was born following the move to the center of thirty deputies and senators elected in the lists of the center. Some of those, Mr Bersani, was rewarded with positions of ministers and secretaries. So even then there was an evil and a market transaction and gentlemen? In contrast, at the time the operation was hailed as a big political operation. We, as usual, on the ground the year's more outgoing of the two weights and two measures, which also hampers any serious political discussion and planning. We, however, we have presented in this confrontation in a constructive way, and if someone wants to send her a joke, I think viewers will be able to measure the seriousness of the forces in the field. "
Exactly, Cicchitto that takes just a single comedian, Bersani. Follow him on that road would give them undeserved importance: On the basis of the speech made today by Prime Minister Berlusconi, who spoke to Parliament and the country and has identified some key nodes and political programming, we are committed to making governance at a time very difficult for the world economy, a governance aimed at the modernization of society and the state. In this sense, we also collect in a positive calls coming from the Church and the industrial world. Mr Berlusconi also spoke on the grounds that in these two years, and in recent months, the Government has worked very hard. Recall the safety of the accounts of the state, the first changes to the labor market, the emergency response in Campania and Abruzzo, fiscal federalism, reform schools and universities. It is not the fault of the Minister Gelmini disastrous if you have left a legacy on the first assumption of the precarious terrain. "
It centers the question, ditching, yes, the "wonderful" to grumble Bersani, "Mr Bersani, I believe that in all his speeches in Parliament you forget a small figure of a small element that unfortunately characterized the political, economic and social development of this country, namely the fact that we have experienced two economic crises and financial affairs, before the United States and then the one derived from Greece. This has created problems, has created problems for a country with this debt. And if we had followed your path, which was to make a point of GDP in debt, now would be closer to Greece and not in a position of defense economy of our country. All this and the political values \u200b\u200bthat have unified the center and that allowed us to win the election for the third time now justify the attempt to overcome contradictions and controversy, to rule for another three years in the presence of international economic difficulties and internal problems that, as the low growth, low productivity, the same high tax burden, not the responsibility of the government but if we look at the figures, are historically critical points of the Italian economy since the early nineties, worsened by some financial (like the famous one of the Amato government) and which, therefore, a medium-to long-term commitment to be faced and overcome. "
It then goes to the question of the much-exploited crisis center: "We then have the right and duty to make every attempt to overcome contradictions and even domestic disputes to the Centre. Mr Berlusconi said that "these days the picture that gives itself the political theater is much worse than ever." The center-right, unfortunately, at some point was involved in this negative reality. Today, the sense of this debate is to make every effort to overcome this problem and what can be done provided that there is a combination of all. I listened carefully to Mr Moffat and Mr Bocchino. I hope that the political sense not only of the vote and the Future of Freedom, but also of their actions, is the following: the end of each guerrilla media, the exclusion of a plan of attrition and, instead, the shared commitment to three years for a government reformer. On this medium do you measure the intelligence, Mr Bocchino, and maturity of the center. "
It is therefore the time to refute the thesis that democrat and others are pushing ahead on the electoral law: "The intervention of the Prime Minister Berlusconi is, therefore, to react to any resulting destruction and to protect the vote in 2008 who have expressed unequivocal a majority consisting of the People of Freedom, the Northern League and Padania other groups and political forces. In our view, the reference to popular sovereignty is essential, has long been an open stage that attaches to the people ex ante, at election time, the power to decide who is the President of the Council and the coalition that governs it, and not ex post, after the elections, parties may be able to combine the balances of government regardless of the popular will.
You say that this electoral law prevents voter to choose the deputy giving all power to the secretariats of the parties. Apart from the fact that this power in single-member constituency system, beyond the hypocrisy, it remains entirely in the hands of the parties through the placement of candidates in colleges good and bad (which are widely known to each grid, except for a limited number of colleges marginal), you in effect, aiming to eliminate the majority of the premium, you want to remove its citizens the fundamental power to choose the President Council and the Government. This is the scepter that must be maintained to the people. " In fact, the only solution in the direction indicated by the opposition would be a return to proportional representation, but beyond any doubt on governance, the absence of the 'useful vote', crumble the Democratic Party, giving a voice to all those who left with Veltroni has silenced his choice, driving them from Parliament. A hint of the
Cicchitto dedication to Casini, "Mr Casini, today is not in the bipolar physiological crisis, but a wild bipolarity based on demonization of the opponent. I would remind Mr Bocchino, guarantees and legality are not alternative, but must be two sides of same coin. In fact, the political use of justice is one of the most serious forms of lawlessness that is produced by the partisanship of some of the magistrates. " It then passes to the conclusion: "As a result, finally, our goal is to positively and constructively by all points of view from that of the government witnessed the introduction and replication of Prime Minister Berlusconi, from the improvement of relations in the center and also from that - if there was any availability of the other party - the confrontation with the opposition forces is no accident that the prime minister has raised the issues of constitutional reform. We do all this without any inferiority complex, nor against misinformation and demonization of the left nor on the possible resumption of guerrilla media. In fact, we have full awareness of the need to respond first to the people of the center who has supported us and voted in three elections: the national, European and regional level. To those people, from this rostrum parliamentary send our greetings. "


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