Grillini and purple people first, then squats, of anti-left and radical left, burst in Turin at the Feast National Democratic Party: What's happening to the party Bersani, and will not inspire more people to the left of that mythical than that once the PCI, however, could be maintained? After the verbal protests against the president of the Senate Renato Schifani, the time of the trade unionist Angelo Bonanni, received by the first social centers with whistles, shouts - "Money is a good servant and a bad master", "Marchionne Bonanni commands and obeys" - and throwing fake banknotes, then joined by a smoke bomb that burned the jacket without hurting him. And Enrico Letta, as well as Fassino, stunned to cry out: "You have nothing to do with democracy. You'll need the opposite of the country. You are anti-democratic. " And the next comment from the Secretary Pierluigi Bersani: "It was an act of intimidation and actual violence, an assault squad. It is conceivable that a popular festival, which lives in the heart of the city, can be attacked in this way. Expect to know by the Interior Ministry which preventive and repressive measures have been taken to prevent any such incident. " Of course, that is, as said the president of the Senate, an intolerable act that negates the democracy and must be utterly condemned, but it should reflect the PD at the end.
There is an evident malaise in the party. Evident from the statements of leaders of the most authoritative lackeys, thickening of the many administrators that the ranks of the leadership at every level. Reflected by the numerous statements of militants who have television broadcast, as news and how color, after the foul deed, that "the party of the Unit would not have happened," heard over and over again by fellow always hurt living today the prefix 'ex' that the epithet was used to attack.
The impression is that the creation of the Democratic Party with this radical departure from the left wanted to be as precise Veltroni political calculation to disappear permanently from politics Parliamentary Union's former allies uncomfortable, which led to a victory but also ensure the rapid collapse, has had at the end of a major cost for the party, to put it in a sort of "layoff" policy, pending a future location, no one knows when, who knows where. Without leadership expendable, so much so that Vendola no coincidence as it is proposed to do in Puglia by Moses to the promised land of a permanent government. Without a concrete plan innovative. And do not say otherwise. Just read any statement which speaks of the empty hands and a search for something, that gives a minimum identity of start, always, from the high level of the secretariat at the lowest level of the small insignificant provincial executive. And a separation, then, growing from citizens, from their daily lives, their needs, from a society in continuous evolution frantic, blinded by a deadly antiberlusconismo internally and turbid current games.
Luca Canova is a director of the minority Democratic Party in the Province of Lodi. In his blog he writes on the state of the art of party considerations particularly worthy of attention. His analysis starts from the day's topic, the last rabbit out of the cylinder on the theme of "destruction" of Berlusconi, and Future of Freedom, but finding similarities on how to interpret the current Italian society, or rather the inability to interpret them, arrives inevitably to talk of his party. Canova writes: "'The Democratic Party was created to unite two reforms," it was said some time ago, generously forgetting that the left is the objectively represented a centrist conservative axis, in Italy. The convolutions in which the Democratic Party struggles are the best confirmation: instead combine the best of the content originating reformist parties (I know: the proximity to the workers of the DS and the social solidarity of the Margherita), we compare and contrast the worst of old legacy (I know: some greedy Democrats to public office and an incomprehensible cult of personality for the area ex-Ds). The result: a risottone sciapo not even like the most ardent activists. " And try to answer the obvious question of why to happen, "Why also prevails in the left conservatism and conformism of a fund that automatically makes it heretical and worthy of ostracism or terminating any proposal courageous courageously the problems and solutions. Look to the issue of DICO, or the case Englaro, or the laws on the rights of couples, the RU-486 but you look above the laws passed along these lines Sanfedists ideological. " It properly asks the question: "How can we think, reasonably, to be" political alternative "if you do not propose alternative policy solutions?". Very fair.
E Canova replied: "You can not, and it is lost. Obvious result of a strategy that is in itself a loser, chasing the myth of a class moderate medium that does not exist and, if it exists, has already chosen to believe the worst European right, as at that time not twisted his mouth in front of Mussolini's operetta, the attacks of the Cosa Nostra, to the brink of a public. A moderate middle class that exists only in the minds of political scientists by living, there is no middle class in Italy, if middle class means a secular middle class, educated, liberal and European. And there is no moderation in that lump that social class is coming, but only a rough and fierce extremism. " And inevitably concludes: "We, in pursuit of this myth, we have lost credibility and consent."
One of the myths under discussion in the Democratic Party is the so-called "vocation majority. " What is meant by the term is explained Piero Fassino interviewed a few days ago by Europe: 'The vocation of the majority means that the PD must have a broad consensus, but that is not exclusive and that has the ability to lead a coalition. Nobody ever thought you could take 51 percent. " With a similar vision of the "task is clear that, as Fassino said," The knot of alliances is inescapable. Across Europe, the model is multi-pole: in Italy there are not two parties but the two coalitions. "
A move to new waters in this direction was recently Veltroni. 'Notes nostalgic understandable, because it has linked its experience leading to the season. But the call is a major policy thoroughly tested and unfortunately plenty of defeat. If this is the interpretation of Veltroni, is a return back, "says Nicola Latorre, vice president of voice dalemiana and senators of the Democratic Party, interviewed by The Morning . Latorre said: "The nostalgia for a two-party system is legitimate, but the case was filed by Congress and by the facts. And Congress is not done to waste time. There are different hypotheses are compared and an indication of the electoral law was clear: we need a way to return to citizens the choice of the elect, do not retreat from the system of alternate, non-institutionalized a two-party rejected by the Italian company. " Well not wanting to see at home, in the vacuum of the proposal, the cause of defeat, "invents" the law that elected Prodi 'stops the relationship between voters and elected "- seemed to all then something is wrong - but especially that law "is born as a law of a majority imposed on a minority." True, but the "crap" of a Calderoli was so filthy that he won his first-time opponent of his coalition.
Then there is the question of leadership. Figures like the mayors of Turin and Florence, and Renzi are Chiamparino school and revived ambitions of others. Even in our country where it seems to materialize the project within the Democratic Party to a wave of labor and management. Ambitions rise in ranking is attributed to the party Guerini, Mayor of Lodi, which screens: "I have a commitment as mayor of this city and I intend to carry it forward." And it's one that says: "It takes a great project for Italy and renewal. The party does not abandon his vocation and the majority do not lose too much tactics in formulas that are losing momentum of the program, "which does not seem right in line with the secretariat Bersani. And again: "Certainly the issue of alliances can not be eluded, but I think it is necessary to make a step forward. Fini propose as our ally can not believe in line with the mission we set ourselves when we started the adventure of the Democratic Party. The problem is not put together many forces, but think about a project and the reformist majority, in this logic we should equip ourselves because we could not make it, but I think that the direction is the right one. " Some, like Colizzi, president of the Lodi City Council, the "current" of Mayors believes, hoping that the Democratic Party nationally, "can really enhance administrators who apply," as in the case of Guerini. "There being no more school parties, local authorities are now the true fitness of the new ruling class," says Colizzi. Hoping that is not a blinding summer.
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