When the truth is clear, everything is easier and all reasoning hitherto confused and curled up in a spiral becomes an inextricable evidence disarming. This is probably trivial but images of his face swollen Berlusconi shocked me and brought me back to reality, to truth:
the expression of the rider, suffering, shock, disbelief, anger etched in charge of a mask of surprise and shame is the same that I have seen on many other occasions on the faces of powerful men King remained naked in front of the unexpected. The gesture, crazy and cowardly, the Tartaglia showed us that despite a septuagenarian to do other than promote his skills as a lover rather than a super hero is a weak man like everyone else, continues to struggle with the age and physical problems, probably only one man who resists the tornado of controversy fueled by himself thanks to the power that takes the lead but an act of a deranged made him lose for a while.
Tartaglia are full of the history books as well as men stubbornly full of themselves that live and feed power, power so ephemeral that a souvenir of Milan is able to challenge.
We do not need men "with balls", we need not "anointed by the Lord" it's successful entrepreneurs, we need men worthy examples to emulate, men of tender, sincere, honest, that serve their country and their fellow people, irrespective of political color, which respect the values \u200b\u200bembodied in the constitution that other men have written after their companions had died in a terrible war sacrificed in the name of its Homeland.
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