Not a week had passed when, just after have fallen asleep, I rang the door. I jumped like I had air-raid siren svagliato. I looked around trying to accomplish. It was not very late yet found quite unusual visit to anyone. I dressed quickly, and despite the anxiety, I rushed to the door. She was not surprised at all and before I could speak he had already crossed the threshold of the house. Without turning around he took off his coat and sat down at the table and crossing his legs nervously smoking a cigarette. He looked at me and probably expected me to say something.
I'm still shocked by the surprise, I tried to take a serious attitude and made waiting to be able to utter a word.
- Quiet, you are not morto.domani you wake up and remember this meeting as a dream but now, I beg you to listen to me. - Just recovered a little control of myself, I lit a cigarette and leaning against the cabinet in the living room I invited her to explain the reason for his visit.
- I'm not here to explain how and why I came I knew, just listen and if you have heart and respect for my story I'm sure you will all be clear. -
I stared for a moment and after a fresh breath of cigarette waved to urge you to continue.
I mention 'a smile and began - You know, many of my choices were determiante young age. I made a series of errors that probably took me to what was, by all accounts, a life burned too quickly. I still remember that day, we drove along one of those roads all corners of the California coast, while he was driving like a real pilot would turn from time to time to pop the kissing. Ah, his kisses were better than gold. However, in the car we were all friends and we laughed like crazy - As I told his story I looked at him blankly as if he had in his mind reviewing them all. I interrupted her to ask her why she had just started from the end and she said - Curious? is it you are otherwise you would not have interested in my personal life. You know, despite groped suicide for love may sound romantic I've always thought she was mad. At the time I arrived in Rome as a promise of cinema. Many, after the first appearance in England, had written the next landing in Hollywood but in reality I was offered a contract in an almost random for the Italian film productions to be shot at Cinecittà . It was the period of neo-realism and Hollywood was the same landed in Rome. In short I was thrilled and accepted in Italy. I was fine, although like all women do not believe at all, but I was, now I can say. - almost embarrassed I confirmed and she laughed with amusement.
- From now producers and directors introduced me into what would become for all the "sweet life" of Rome and got to know Filippo Orsini. A charming and respected by all, he declared himself a sincere heart almost immediately. We started by creating a scandal sweeping history. I underestimated the inizialemnte bourgeois hypocrisy that would soon overwhelmed our relationship and I was convinced that our love would triumph. After the madness of suicide attempt (oh how I did it with laughter telling Walter that evening, as we promised eternal love and teenagers attempted suicide twice) left our passion waned. His "noble" family, threatened excommunication of the pope, took him home with lots of tail between his legs. Meanwhile, with the complicity of mutual friends, I met him and it was love at first sight. I saw a woman worthy of the mo rebellious, for my courage, had probably begun to think so by reading the chronicles of my adventures in the newspapers. He told me wonderful stories and took me with him on his travels. I devoted myself to the movies by selecting less thanks to his "guide" to shoot the films and in so doing, I could feel loved and at the same time gratified professionalemnte. I was only 26 years ..
.- He stopped, was not moved but had become serious, almost upset. I approached with the intention of moving string, but seeing me drive and began to speak.
- as I said we ran like crazy down the road in California when suddenly the car began to skid and ended after an accident striking down a slope. I like to record, I had the worst and he never lost what happened. -
He stopped and I did not know if he still had something to say. He looked at me as if expecting something from me and I almost instinctively I said, I do not After you are in love. Women today have a great distrust, it seems so difficult potersene fall in love, are too tender, too available, as my ideal woman is still an old ideal which no longer uses, which is now outdated. *
I stopped and realized that although I had not actually uttered those words was I thinking.
She got up, put on coat, gave me a big kiss on the cheek and walked to the door. I watched her go away dazed, I wanted to say something but I did not have the strength. Before closing the door and turned to happiness etched on his face said to me, see you soon, waiting for your flower.
I'm still shocked by the surprise, I tried to take a serious attitude and made waiting to be able to utter a word.
- Quiet, you are not morto.domani you wake up and remember this meeting as a dream but now, I beg you to listen to me. - Just recovered a little control of myself, I lit a cigarette and leaning against the cabinet in the living room I invited her to explain the reason for his visit.
- I'm not here to explain how and why I came I knew, just listen and if you have heart and respect for my story I'm sure you will all be clear. -
I stared for a moment and after a fresh breath of cigarette waved to urge you to continue.
I mention 'a smile and began - You know, many of my choices were determiante young age. I made a series of errors that probably took me to what was, by all accounts, a life burned too quickly. I still remember that day, we drove along one of those roads all corners of the California coast, while he was driving like a real pilot would turn from time to time to pop the kissing. Ah, his kisses were better than gold. However, in the car we were all friends and we laughed like crazy - As I told his story I looked at him blankly as if he had in his mind reviewing them all. I interrupted her to ask her why she had just started from the end and she said - Curious? is it you are otherwise you would not have interested in my personal life. You know, despite groped suicide for love may sound romantic I've always thought she was mad. At the time I arrived in Rome as a promise of cinema. Many, after the first appearance in England, had written the next landing in Hollywood but in reality I was offered a contract in an almost random for the Italian film productions to be shot at Cinecittà . It was the period of neo-realism and Hollywood was the same landed in Rome. In short I was thrilled and accepted in Italy. I was fine, although like all women do not believe at all, but I was, now I can say. - almost embarrassed I confirmed and she laughed with amusement.
- From now producers and directors introduced me into what would become for all the "sweet life" of Rome and got to know Filippo Orsini. A charming and respected by all, he declared himself a sincere heart almost immediately. We started by creating a scandal sweeping history. I underestimated the inizialemnte bourgeois hypocrisy that would soon overwhelmed our relationship and I was convinced that our love would triumph. After the madness of suicide attempt (oh how I did it with laughter telling Walter that evening, as we promised eternal love and teenagers attempted suicide twice) left our passion waned. His "noble" family, threatened excommunication of the pope, took him home with lots of tail between his legs. Meanwhile, with the complicity of mutual friends, I met him and it was love at first sight. I saw a woman worthy of the mo rebellious, for my courage, had probably begun to think so by reading the chronicles of my adventures in the newspapers. He told me wonderful stories and took me with him on his travels. I devoted myself to the movies by selecting less thanks to his "guide" to shoot the films and in so doing, I could feel loved and at the same time gratified professionalemnte. I was only 26 years ..
.- He stopped, was not moved but had become serious, almost upset. I approached with the intention of moving string, but seeing me drive and began to speak.
- as I said we ran like crazy down the road in California when suddenly the car began to skid and ended after an accident striking down a slope. I like to record, I had the worst and he never lost what happened. -
He stopped and I did not know if he still had something to say. He looked at me as if expecting something from me and I almost instinctively I said, I do not After you are in love. Women today have a great distrust, it seems so difficult potersene fall in love, are too tender, too available, as my ideal woman is still an old ideal which no longer uses, which is now outdated. *
I stopped and realized that although I had not actually uttered those words was I thinking.
She got up, put on coat, gave me a big kiss on the cheek and walked to the door. I watched her go away dazed, I wanted to say something but I did not have the strength. Before closing the door and turned to happiness etched on his face said to me, see you soon, waiting for your flower.
* from "Jacopetti says" interview with Walter Edgar irons Jacopetti.
(loosely based on the life of Belinda Lee)
(loosely based on the life of Belinda Lee)
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