"Mamma Roma: Why do you do 'is life? Who is responsible? Manco know you!
Biancifiore Ciai thirty years of his career, come to me asking me questions?
Mamma Roma: You know the fault is all yours?
Biancifiore: Ah, I'm good!
Mamma Roma: De everything that is, each is his fault, you know, yes?
Biancifiore Embèh, is' what happens na! What are you a spy?
Mamma Roma: Yes, but the evil you do, your fault, it's like 'na street, where they walk the other well, and those who blame Cianna nun!
Biancifiore: Eh, Porello, Hector! Quann'è world came ar nun sure he wanted to walk there, eg '' is the way! Is' safe! But who gave you all in his head 'ste shit?
Mamma Roma: A priest! I thought 'na Bible alive! Nun I wanted to start from scratch! What do you think that I understood the nun? Li mortaci your e de 'I'm cognac, have made me drunk!
Biancifiore: Farewell, salute you! You have them alone, 'sti examinations of conscience!
Mamma Roma: Ahioddio that mal de panza! But I know that 'magnet? Er der fat heart!
Pittorretto: 'A ventriloquist!
Mamma Roma: What are a customer of mine, you?
Pittorretto: No, I know 'of the Juventus!
Mamma Roma: N'ho had so many now, that anyone who remembers them? Mica so 'the registry! Er was my first 'husband, father of Hector ... er
Pittorretto: Why? Did you find even her husband?
Mamma Roma: He was a young man who ciavar the seven beauties ...
Pittorretto: Yes, well the wheel of stock!
Mamma Roma: When we were married twenty people if Semo Semo ... gone to church one by one, the first started at nine o'clock, at noon ... Parts and last ten minutes of each other to give the eye ... Because I nun 'husband was wanted by the police ... as if married semo nun has had time to de so, the guards took him ... So' been there, on the altar, virgin!
Pittorretto: The bad thing was if I stayed deflowered as Rosina!
Mamma Roma: You know because I 'husband, Hector de er father was a scoundrel, wretch?
Pittorretto: Dunno, I know 'his cabbages!
Mamma Roma: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief.
Pittorretto: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief?
Mamma Roma: Why er mother's father was an executioner and his mother the mother 'n' beggar, and the mother of the father 'na pimp and father, der er father' na spy!
Pittorretto God deliver us from evil!
Mamma Roma: All died of hunger! That's why! Certainly if the screwdriver means, were all good people! De So who is to blame? The responsabbilità? "
(Taken from the original screenplay - inspired by post "NDP" La7 of 03/13/2009)
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