The paper knows who to go ...
(The Gold of Naples - De Sica)
Here's an interesting anecdote published along with the video on youtube, I hope it is true:
is' little known history about the participation of Vittorio De Sica as the star of this episode. The great director - who often took the road the actors and extras for his film - in fact offered the role of Count Prospero criminal lawyer Alfredo Jelardi (Benevento 1890-1963) after seeing him discuss a case in court in Naples. When the lawyer was called by De Sica, in a large hotel on the waterfront Naples, went to the appointment, accompanied by his three young grandchildren. He listened carefully to the proposal of the role to interpret, although having never played either at the cinema and not the theater. After much thought, the lawyer Jelardi - which had been a pupil of the great Enrico De Nicola, and was well known in Naples - but decided to decline because, he said, the role of the slave count of the game and impoverished reflected, for too many issues, his personal history. De Sica persisted for a long time to accept the part, but the prince of the Sunni hole was adamant. Their meeting ended with a handshake and a request for Jelardi Alfredo De Sica which agreed with a touch of pride: the director would play that part personally inspired by him. And so it was.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hursthouse Virtue Theory And Abortion Analysis
Restarts the Tanzania Project of the Cooperative Woodshed Florence
categorizing projects Solidarity in Africa's historic Florentine Cooperative Woodshed, in 2008, in collaboration with Pangea Onlus Scandicci and Friends of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood and the Faculty of Agriculture University of Florence, have collected 53 thousand euro for the Project Tanzania. The funds, increased compared to 2007, is 1 per thousand of the turnover of the cooperative itself, by the Friends of the Woodshed and support of members of the rustic Florentine and will be used for the implementation of agro-livestock trials, to encourage ' food self-sufficiency of the structures needed to promote new types of crops, and to teach people new farming techniques, for the purchase of seeds, agricultural equipment and labor. On 25 March, Italy is playing a limited 'mission' to the village of Hope in Dodoma, where in the coming months will operate a small dairy, to monitor, among other things, the possibility of developing crop fields from pasture and to visit the hospital of St. Gaspar Itigi, which has one of the most modern departments of pediatrics in the country, where children are cared for AIDS patients, a plague in Tanzania that afflicts about five million people
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Brazilian Wax In Florence, Sc

... the presonaggio Magnani: dark and not beautiful, but with the eyes of a devouring, based, feverish vividness, shining over the dark circles plague, between the strands of hair tangled and ever pitched, it was the emblem of common sense and aggression, corrosives, motteggianti moods and emotional beats of the people of Rome.
(Giulio Cesare Castello "The stardom. Mythology movie" Eri, Torino 1957)
(Giulio Cesare Castello "The stardom. Mythology movie" Eri, Torino 1957)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ipod Cube Runner High
Whose fault is it? Silvana Mangano
"Mamma Roma: Why do you do 'is life? Who is responsible? Manco know you!
Biancifiore Ciai thirty years of his career, come to me asking me questions?
Mamma Roma: You know the fault is all yours?
Biancifiore: Ah, I'm good!
Mamma Roma: De everything that is, each is his fault, you know, yes?
Biancifiore Embèh, is' what happens na! What are you a spy?
Mamma Roma: Yes, but the evil you do, your fault, it's like 'na street, where they walk the other well, and those who blame Cianna nun!
Biancifiore: Eh, Porello, Hector! Quann'è world came ar nun sure he wanted to walk there, eg '' is the way! Is' safe! But who gave you all in his head 'ste shit?
Mamma Roma: A priest! I thought 'na Bible alive! Nun I wanted to start from scratch! What do you think that I understood the nun? Li mortaci your e de 'I'm cognac, have made me drunk!
Biancifiore: Farewell, salute you! You have them alone, 'sti examinations of conscience!
Mamma Roma: Ahioddio that mal de panza! But I know that 'magnet? Er der fat heart!
Pittorretto: 'A ventriloquist!
Mamma Roma: What are a customer of mine, you?
Pittorretto: No, I know 'of the Juventus!
Mamma Roma: N'ho had so many now, that anyone who remembers them? Mica so 'the registry! Er was my first 'husband, father of Hector ... er
Pittorretto: Why? Did you find even her husband?
Mamma Roma: He was a young man who ciavar the seven beauties ...
Pittorretto: Yes, well the wheel of stock!
Mamma Roma: When we were married twenty people if Semo Semo ... gone to church one by one, the first started at nine o'clock, at noon ... Parts and last ten minutes of each other to give the eye ... Because I nun 'husband was wanted by the police ... as if married semo nun has had time to de so, the guards took him ... So' been there, on the altar, virgin!
Pittorretto: The bad thing was if I stayed deflowered as Rosina!
Mamma Roma: You know because I 'husband, Hector de er father was a scoundrel, wretch?
Pittorretto: Dunno, I know 'his cabbages!
Mamma Roma: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief.
Pittorretto: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief?
Mamma Roma: Why er mother's father was an executioner and his mother the mother 'n' beggar, and the mother of the father 'na pimp and father, der er father' na spy!
Pittorretto God deliver us from evil!
Mamma Roma: All died of hunger! That's why! Certainly if the screwdriver means, were all good people! De So who is to blame? The responsabbilità? "
(Taken from the original screenplay - inspired by post "NDP" La7 of 03/13/2009)

"Mamma Roma: Why do you do 'is life? Who is responsible? Manco know you!
Biancifiore Ciai thirty years of his career, come to me asking me questions?
Mamma Roma: You know the fault is all yours?
Biancifiore: Ah, I'm good!
Mamma Roma: De everything that is, each is his fault, you know, yes?
Biancifiore Embèh, is' what happens na! What are you a spy?
Mamma Roma: Yes, but the evil you do, your fault, it's like 'na street, where they walk the other well, and those who blame Cianna nun!
Biancifiore: Eh, Porello, Hector! Quann'è world came ar nun sure he wanted to walk there, eg '' is the way! Is' safe! But who gave you all in his head 'ste shit?
Mamma Roma: A priest! I thought 'na Bible alive! Nun I wanted to start from scratch! What do you think that I understood the nun? Li mortaci your e de 'I'm cognac, have made me drunk!
Biancifiore: Farewell, salute you! You have them alone, 'sti examinations of conscience!
Mamma Roma: Ahioddio that mal de panza! But I know that 'magnet? Er der fat heart!
Pittorretto: 'A ventriloquist!
Mamma Roma: What are a customer of mine, you?
Pittorretto: No, I know 'of the Juventus!
Mamma Roma: N'ho had so many now, that anyone who remembers them? Mica so 'the registry! Er was my first 'husband, father of Hector ... er
Pittorretto: Why? Did you find even her husband?
Mamma Roma: He was a young man who ciavar the seven beauties ...
Pittorretto: Yes, well the wheel of stock!
Mamma Roma: When we were married twenty people if Semo Semo ... gone to church one by one, the first started at nine o'clock, at noon ... Parts and last ten minutes of each other to give the eye ... Because I nun 'husband was wanted by the police ... as if married semo nun has had time to de so, the guards took him ... So' been there, on the altar, virgin!
Pittorretto: The bad thing was if I stayed deflowered as Rosina!
Mamma Roma: You know because I 'husband, Hector de er father was a scoundrel, wretch?
Pittorretto: Dunno, I know 'his cabbages!
Mamma Roma: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief.
Pittorretto: Why was the mother 'na-lender, and er father a thief?
Mamma Roma: Why er mother's father was an executioner and his mother the mother 'n' beggar, and the mother of the father 'na pimp and father, der er father' na spy!
Pittorretto God deliver us from evil!
Mamma Roma: All died of hunger! That's why! Certainly if the screwdriver means, were all good people! De So who is to blame? The responsabbilità? "
(Taken from the original screenplay - inspired by post "NDP" La7 of 03/13/2009)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Gay Sauna In Queens Ny
raised over 53 thousand euros COOPERATIVE LEGNAIA
The funds raised will be used to support the activities and experiments zootechnical the Village of Hope in Dodoma and the Hospital of St. Gaspar Itigi.
arrived in Tanzania a small dairy.
Village of Hope in Dodoma
solidarity again by the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed. In 2008 they were collected more than € 53 000 in support of the Tanzania Project, sponsored by the cooperatives historic Florence in collaboration with the non-profit organization Friends of Pangea and the Missionaries of Scandicci of the Precious Blood and the Colleges of Agriculture, University of Florence, to support the activities of the Village of Hope Hospital in Dodoma and Itigi, in reality a symbol of the missionary martyred in Africa.

The funds raised will be used to support the activities and experiments zootechnical the Village of Hope in Dodoma and the Hospital of St. Gaspar Itigi.
arrived in Tanzania a small dairy.

solidarity again by the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed. In 2008 they were collected more than € 53 000 in support of the Tanzania Project, sponsored by the cooperatives historic Florence in collaboration with the non-profit organization Friends of Pangea and the Missionaries of Scandicci of the Precious Blood and the Colleges of Agriculture, University of Florence, to support the activities of the Village of Hope Hospital in Dodoma and Itigi, in reality a symbol of the missionary martyred in Africa.
Approximately 30,500 € were made available by the Cooperative, that the project had allocated one per thousand of its turnover, 15,846 from the 'Friends of Woodshed', who have donated loyalty points and discounts the initiative, and by 7535 members of the rustic Florentine.
The funds for the Tanzania project, which begins its third year, will be allocated to the implementation of trials Crop and livestock farmers, to promote food self-sufficiency of the two structures and to promote new types of crops, teaching new farming techniques to local populations, in addition to the purchase of seeds, crop protection and work equipment.
In the coming months also will operate a small dairy, the Village of Hope arrived from Italy, to produce cheese intended for immediate consumption and for sale.
On March 25 a small "mission", which will also include David and Alberto Bocciolini Lanzi, president and agronomist of the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed, and Professor Riccardo Bozzi, livestock, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, will leave for Tanzania, to check the progress of the initiative.
"We are very pleased - says David Bocciolini, president of the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed -, the funds raised have increased compared to those of 2007 and the project is progressing well. On March 25, will leave for Tanzania with a small mission to meet with Daniele Di Martino, an agronomist who is following the initiative in the field, with the help of Mariano afloat, a basketball player of the Faculty of Agriculture, Florence, and check with the development of their agricultural operations and experimentation. At this stage we are starting the production of dry rice cultivation, corn and sunflowers, along with to that of native plants and the like iatropha cajanus, a local legumes. The objective is to improve food self-sufficiency, but also to teach new farming techniques to local populations. There will also Professor Riccardo Bozzi, livestock, Faculty of Agriculture, which will review the status of cattle in the two structures, 30 and 60 in Itigi in Dodoma, to try to understand what is the best nutrition to improve milk production and to verify the possibility of putting in grass cultivation, grazing in the two areas. "
The Tanzania Project, the Agricultural Cooperative is committed to Woodshed to allocate one per thousand of its revenue to the Village of Hope hospital in Dodoma and Itigi, a figure that can be augmented by those members and 'Friends of Woodshed' that will take the initiative to make available some of the loyalty points and discounts obtained by purchasing in the shops of the Cooperative.
The initiative, sponsored by the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed, in collaboration with Pangea Onlus Scandicci and Friends of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood and the Colleges of Agriculture, University of Florence, designed to support the activities that the fathers of the Congregation Precious Blood of Christ and the Adoration Sisters of the Blood of Christ are now playing years in the African country. Their commitment, in fact they were born the 'Village of Hope' in Dodoma, engaged in prevention, care and social support for orphans suffering from AIDS in Tanzania that plague afflicts more than 5 million people, and the hospital of St. Gaspar Itigi, one of the most modern departments of pediatrics in the country, built in an extremely poor.
The funds for the Tanzania project, which begins its third year, will be allocated to the implementation of trials Crop and livestock farmers, to promote food self-sufficiency of the two structures and to promote new types of crops, teaching new farming techniques to local populations, in addition to the purchase of seeds, crop protection and work equipment.
In the coming months also will operate a small dairy, the Village of Hope arrived from Italy, to produce cheese intended for immediate consumption and for sale.
On March 25 a small "mission", which will also include David and Alberto Bocciolini Lanzi, president and agronomist of the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed, and Professor Riccardo Bozzi, livestock, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, will leave for Tanzania, to check the progress of the initiative.
"We are very pleased - says David Bocciolini, president of the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed -, the funds raised have increased compared to those of 2007 and the project is progressing well. On March 25, will leave for Tanzania with a small mission to meet with Daniele Di Martino, an agronomist who is following the initiative in the field, with the help of Mariano afloat, a basketball player of the Faculty of Agriculture, Florence, and check with the development of their agricultural operations and experimentation. At this stage we are starting the production of dry rice cultivation, corn and sunflowers, along with to that of native plants and the like iatropha cajanus, a local legumes. The objective is to improve food self-sufficiency, but also to teach new farming techniques to local populations. There will also Professor Riccardo Bozzi, livestock, Faculty of Agriculture, which will review the status of cattle in the two structures, 30 and 60 in Itigi in Dodoma, to try to understand what is the best nutrition to improve milk production and to verify the possibility of putting in grass cultivation, grazing in the two areas. "
The Tanzania Project, the Agricultural Cooperative is committed to Woodshed to allocate one per thousand of its revenue to the Village of Hope hospital in Dodoma and Itigi, a figure that can be augmented by those members and 'Friends of Woodshed' that will take the initiative to make available some of the loyalty points and discounts obtained by purchasing in the shops of the Cooperative.
The initiative, sponsored by the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed, in collaboration with Pangea Onlus Scandicci and Friends of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood and the Colleges of Agriculture, University of Florence, designed to support the activities that the fathers of the Congregation Precious Blood of Christ and the Adoration Sisters of the Blood of Christ are now playing years in the African country. Their commitment, in fact they were born the 'Village of Hope' in Dodoma, engaged in prevention, care and social support for orphans suffering from AIDS in Tanzania that plague afflicts more than 5 million people, and the hospital of St. Gaspar Itigi, one of the most modern departments of pediatrics in the country, built in an extremely poor.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What Trailers Require A License Plate In Tn

We've known forever. A Roma child lived in the same neighborhood, in love. I was sixteen, his twenty-two. Marcello (Mastroianni) has never forgotten, because once when we kissed on a bench, caught a peeping tom, confronted him, pulled his fist, that you dodged ... Marcello and struck a tree 's tree. So over the years every time that has hurt the thumb was pointed out to me
Monday, March 2, 2009
Shostak Vocabularyangelfire

After hours of waiting at a crossing desolate, lost nothing in the steppe Nuoro, I signal via radio to wear the mask because there was barely a minute. The low sun seemed to be waiting for the show too. Wear protection to the face I gave one last look, I turned around trying to cover his eyes across the plains, there was not a living soul. On the morning of the range rover on board had stopped in all huts of the shepherds. I never imagined that a jeep that size could pass between the rocks, fords and trails. All the pastors welcomed the conviction as we believe that by now were resigned. The fierce look had to succumb to the reasons was that they had made of those lands, already perceived as very generous, the landfill forces armed. Often we come across young people, young pastors. The memory I have of them may seem stereotyped, but the humility of the United State Sardinian pride makes them real, respectable, yet masters of the human condition.
began the countdown, from that moment I stared at his eyes towards the hill where they had covered up tons of explosive material expired. From dynamite packed after the end of World War I ordnance unused during the Second World War. Years and years of potential destruction had been left in the dust of half of Italy and today would be dismissed in all their tragic glory. Three, two, one ... a mushroom of dust rose hundreds of feet high. There were moments of absolute silence, the roar of the explosion traveled quickly on the wires Derbi. A ring of wind and thunder swelled up to overwhelm them. I fell to the ground hitting her bottom with a smile of wonder. It was an unimaginable sight but I had to rush from store memories. I noticed that the column of smoke and earth was heading towards me blown by the wind. Suddenly I found myself as a desperate escape and how desperate I had not thought about my little chance of escape. The darkness lasted a few seconds, then a pale light me back to reality. As a survivor I found myself alone. I was covered with earth from head to toe and the silence around me. The explosion had its victims, along the road lay dozens of dead birds and one small part of the child I was.
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