kicks off Project Tanzania: agricultural experimentation hospital Itigi The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, sent a hearing care professional agronomist already committed to support the field
is enriched with new ideas Tanzania Project, sponsored by the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed, in collaboration with Pangea Onlus Scandicci and Friends of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood and the Colleges of Agriculture, University of Florence, the facilities to support mission of the Village of Hope Hospital in Dodoma and Itigi. After his work at Hope Village, the commitment of Daniele Di Martino, an agronomist for the project will follow a year in the African country, now turns Itigi hospital where, after the arrangement and coverage dell'agrumeto Phytopathological crop, has started testing on six acres of land in front of the medical facility. "Our agronomist - Bocciolini said David, president of the Agricultural Cooperative Woodshed - is promoting a trial with some indigenous cultures, which could fit well and also expand on other parts of the savannah that surrounds the hospital, promoting self-sufficiency. In particular we are working on iatropha on caianus, a local legume produces seeds that are used to enrich the diet of protein, sunflower and forage grass for making it possible to produce not buy it in support of the barn with the cows. It 'important to note that the Memorandum of Understanding with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, has made possible the sending of a hearing care in Tanzania, to further develop the experimental aspect of the intervention. "
Just this week, in fact, he left for Africa Mariano Galla, hearing care, 23, of the Faculty of Agriculture.
"We are faced with an initiative that is new for us - admits Alessandro Ragazzi, professor of plant pathology at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence and representative for the project - which combines research and assistance, through 'important form of field experience. Galla will be engaged in research related to plant diseases on vegetables, to see what they will be more productive and also more hardy and resistant to support local production. An experiment that could have important implications to extend the cultivation to other areas of uncultivated land and develop local agriculture. In partiocola so we will work on tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, green beans, eggplant and chard, but also on ocher, amaranth and mcicia, un'infestante local chard is cooked as "Project
Tanzania Tanzania
With the Project, the Agricultural Cooperative of Woodshed is also committed to allocate one per thousand of its revenue, about 30 000 euro per year, the Village of Hope in Dodoma, engaged in prevention, care and social support for children affected by AIDS orphans or children of sick parents and Itigi hospital, the only real medico in an extremely hardship, and this figure may be increased by those members and 'Friends of Woodshed' that will take the initiative to make available a portion of loyalty points and discounts obtained by purchasing in the shops of the Cooperative.