When I spoke of the sea was moved Laurina.
You saw his eyes wet with desire.
was not sad or melancholy, but excited as a little girl and willing to talk with sugar. He lived a few hundred meters from the sea but his age and demeanor of a woman in one piece would not allow her to go for a walk on the beach as it was in his memory. I was sure that would have given anything to experience again the feeling of sand beneath your feet, but was not an appropriate behavior. Many times I tried to convince her but with a laugh made me realize that it was an unacceptable proposal. It just watching "his" beach house. From the hill came to see the whole coast from Ortona Pineto and was content to relive his memories heard from grandchildren the day on the beach. In his often mischievous smile you could imagine playing with her beautiful riding in the Tower of Cerrano, chasing the shadow of pine trees trying to escape the stern gaze of Silvi of the 30's or maybe go get the fish waiting for the return fishermen. That sea took her over the years and often had even hated. Her husband had threatened to get lost in its waters for four times during the war and just what the sea had kept him away on the coast of Greece for two years after the last disaster. That sea would divide forever and instead, just from that sea, had seen him return safe and sound as beautiful as she had left him. That seemed to sea today innocent, enjoyed her grandchildren and continued to move as before, as when his bicycle tornanva home. In fact, did not rise to the road that never goes straight in the district, but was the longest road, the one going to the beach returned the forces for the last tear.