Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hose To Wear With Black Skirt

Stop GMO

Federica Ferrario, head of GE campaigner Greenpeace Italy, Tuesday issued a press release announcing the satisfaction: "We did it, we stopped GMOs." The statement explains that the magistrate of Pordenone has established a fine of € 25 thousand for George Fiden - Friuli the farmer who planted GM corn illegally - and the destruction of GM field of Fanna. "After complaints, laboratory analysis, our activists in action to stop the contamination, today finally returns to the rule of law in Friuli and put the bases to put an end to this absurd and irresponsible lawlessness, which had lasted for months, "says Ferrari.
The story had begun in April, when, in Friuli, a farmer, George Fiden precisely autodenunciato had to have sown, he said, six plants of GM maize. Actually were sown two full fields, all with illegal GM maize. It took an intense campaign of Greenpeace and groups who care about Italian food for the move is to urge politicians to act. Eventually the goal is reached.
"The Italian agricultural system, which is based on small crops of quality, would be put completely in the knee by a green light to GMO. We decided to hold a conference under the Fair Rice Isola della Scala in Verona, to reflect on the importance of safeguarding the Italian agriculture, starting with the rice, "announces Greenpeace, stressing that:" Even at Europe is much to be done to prevent GM contamination, and it is essential to improve the procedure for the safety evaluation of GMOs, still insufficient. " And the association has started a petition "to collect a million signatures, citizens Europeans can formally ask the European Commission to a future free from GMOs. We're almost there. Missing very little to a million. "
The text of the appeal to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso: "We appeal to you to put a moratorium on the introduction of GMOs in Europe and create a scientific institution, independent ethics that conducts research on the impact of GMOs and determines the rules. " To sign, click here .

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Old Are Goldfish Bought At Pet Stores?

Doubts on ITER

Jacques Foos, honorary professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, in an article in L'Expansion . Com highlights doubts about the international project ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), starting from the statements of the Nobel Prize Georges Charpak to pull a surprise in the relevance of the dance project that seeks to achieve controlled nuclear fusion, carried out by international teams of researchers. The questions arise from the fact that some alleged benefits of the merger does not now seem so obvious but the technical difficulties while making the enormous price and considerable delays in its implementation.
Proponents of the merger as an argument using the fact that it does not produce radioactive fission as classical. But the process is free of tritium, a radioactive element that is difficult to confine to its small mass with the consequent risk of falling into non-negligible amount. In addition, the fusion reactions produce high energy neutrons that induce radioactivity in all the materials and structure within the perimeter of the reactor, which practically does not happen in current reactors. In terms of radioactivity created, you can say that there are as many kilowatt-hours produced becquerel created for fission.
Another topic: the merger is an inexhaustible source of energy. However, the fusion reactor requires for its operation of significant amounts of lithium, which is a relatively rare metal. Above all, the argument is now with the advent of more sustainable, now very close, the fourth generation of reactors, particularly in fast neutron reactors that make the conventional fuel, uranium and plutonium, a source of energy for several millennia.
We can therefore legitimately question, "says Foos, on a project, given its cost in the past year, from 6 to 16 billion euro. 45% percent of this amount is charged to Europe, though it should be seen as an international project in a broader sense, as if the project succeeds, it is certain that technological implications of it will benefit the whole world or where it has funded or not. And, therefore, Foos says, it is logical that everyone pays "to see" something that does not happen today, while some, including France, pay a very heavy. And nothing indicates that this budget is not revised true-up in the future, having almost tripled in recent years. And given the delays, the fuel will not be charged prior to 2026, Foos wonders how many of those now participating in the experiment, will present at the first trial.
Certainly the merger is a formidable challenge for scientists. The history of fusion is as old as the universe, since the first nuclear reactions began a millionth of a second after the Big Bang. Even today 80% of the shining stars in the universe for fusion reactions, such as the sun consumes 460 million tons of hydrogen per second for a power loss of 4 billion billion kW. The fusion reactions, then, produce a greater amount of energy, 7 times more than fission reactions used in nuclear reactors. However, because the atomic nuclei can fuse, we need temperatures of the order of a billion degrees, temperatures that occur naturally inside the stars. Another question is if the man wants to recreate these conditions and especially to control the reaction.
The first use was made of the merger, was the military by building a bomb. A use which does not control the reaction. Furthermore, to obtain the required temperature using a classical fission bomb. The control of the reaction is much more complicated, since the merger appears to be a way to produce energy giant in solid state materials that can not withstand temperatures above a few thousand degrees. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bconfining the hot plasma with magnetic fields. The first experiments were made in the USA in 1938 and the first experimental reactor, the tokamak, were developed during the years 1958-1968, and are working in different countries. The ITER project is not just another prototype should demonstrate the industrial feasibility of a fusion reactor. For this reason, must be able to produce more energy than is needed to achieve the fusion process and to monitor this process for a period of about 5 minutes.

Friday, September 24, 2010

How Much Does Red Used Gba Sp Cost

Wine: Sicilian wins in Sicily

Most of the white grapes have been harvested, the harvest has started in the red, some have already done. Among the members Assovini's satisfaction with the quality of the grapes and this year we speak of good harvest. The picture, as always, is a bit 'patchy for the diversity of climatic conditions on the island but the common denominator of the vintage 2010, from the first declarations of technicians and owners, is that it has enjoyed a favorable weather pattern, with a fresh spring, dry summer characterized by only a few days of hot weather in August and then a bit 'of rain in September, and above all with excellent day-night temperature changes, they did raise healthy grapes, well ripened, which is expected to make perfumes wines get very intense, and wide variety. The winemaker

Tonino Guzzo, the following member companies of the cellar Assovini Viticultori Associates of Canicatti, Castellucci Miano and Feud in Valledolmo Disisa in Monreale, mapped out a preliminary assessment of the 2010 harvest in west-central Sicily: "This is the third vintage in a row that looks great in my opinion, was a year with some fresh hot day until late August, there is a decrease in the quantity but the quality is really good. " For Viticultori Associates, with vineyards ranging from sea level on the coast of Agrigento until 600 meters inland from Canicattì, Guzzo in the coastal zone has already completed the harvest of white and began that of Nero d'Avola. For Castellucci Miano Madonie with vineyards on 600 meters of altitude instead the collection has just begun and has started with the catarratto that will serve as the basis of the sparkling wine, the acidity is excellent. A feud Disisa, about three hundred meters inland from Palermo, but it is already finished collecting the perricone and yields were deliberately very low. A

Donnafugata describe a year of average wettest autumn and winter. The harvest began a little 'late, but then accelerated, has been completed for some variety in the same period last year, and for others a few days in advance. "The heat waves of August were well balanced by high temperature between day and night, the isolated squalls of September did not cause problems - reviews are by Antonio Rallo - For all the varieties have been regularly achieved excellent ripening sugar and phenol. Overall, the grapes harvested at Contessa Entellina and Pantelleria are slightly below average in quantity, from very good to excellent quality is achieved for the wine. "

other side of the island Francesco Ferreri dell'Acate Valley and chairman of the Consortium of Cerasuolo di Vittoria, also describes optimal age and makes good predictions about the fragrance of the year. 'It is true that it rained in early September - said Ferreri - but in a concentrated and very strong so that the soil has not had time to absorb the water that slipped away, the grapes are left dry, very sound, and not There was the hit of heat that sometimes makes them ripe. The temperatures are not particularly high, the temperature changes between day and night large, aging very smooth, the result - he concludes - are great fragrances, particularly among whites for cricket. " After the harvest dell'inzolia, cricket and chardonnay in the valley began dell'Acate milkshake, very fragrant this year, and the Nero d'Avola.

In mid-harvest is also Sireci Fabio Feudo Montoni to Cammarata, the heart of Sicily, which emphasizes that in his area the winter rains have made up a good supply of water depth in the soil, then it was a cool summer with high day-night temperature changes. Despite a bit 'of rain in late August, the grapes are left in the aerial part dry and healthy, did not show any disease and this has been really good for his company which is in organic conversion. "The catarratto is really great. There was this year's extreme heat, the ripening curve was excellent - he explains - the acidity is high and after maceration I noticed a very pronounced bouquet. The red grapes are presented now with crunchy and very mature seeds.

has almost finished harvest, plants have only the cabernet sauvignon for perfect lignification of seeds, instead of Cattolica Eraclea Roger Rizzuto that make wine in their own, but is also an important bestower of Cantina Settesoli of Memphis. "This year there was sirocco, a few days of hot close of August, the fact that merlot is very sensitive to the African heat did not suffer at all - says Rizzuto - the harvest is playing a little 'later, August 7 with the pinot grigio, and because in my company, like many in Memphis, for the most part by machine when the grapes have reached the perfect point of ripeness we picked them quickly and also at night, from one to five in the morning, creating a very precise harvest on the basis of different grape varieties, soils and altitudes in the basement and bringing a product really perfect. "

Significant temperature changes are the norm instead of Etna, where the harvest is just beginning. Nerello carricante and are still on the plant but it has already harvested the international and the other white Sicilian. "It 's been a year earlier and less abundant in quantity because it did not rain from late June to late August - says Francesco Cambria's Cottanera - August 23 we started Etna harvesting and dell'inzolia grecanico, 25 Merlot, and so on. But the nerello early this year, we will begin collecting as early as next week with 7-10 days in advance. The quality of the grapes is very good, almost optimal ripeness, the rains have not damaged the beginning of September the grapes that have remained very healthy. We expect wines from international varieties particularly fresh. "

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dermatologist Recommended Foundation Makeup

quality wine comes from the collection of Cardin

Pierre Cardin, French fashion designer Italo-synonymous in the world of haute couture, landed in the wine world. Rather, she married the world of Sicilian wine. Thus, a red and a white grape grown in Sicily, will join the collection of Maxim's products, brands in the portfolio of the grand old man of fashion chic.
Maxim's is the name of a historic restaurant that looks out on the Rue Royale in the heart of Paris. Famous for its Art Nouveau-inspired decor, opened its doors in the years of the belle époque. For the record, April 7, 1893. Since then, Maxim's is everywhere in the world for haute cuisine. Perhaps it is also why in the early eighties and the creator of fashion bulles of soft and flabby, bought the restaurant, making their brand-symbol. Not only in the restaurant business class, with similar space open New York, London, Monte Carlo, Geneva and also in Brussels, Tokyo, Shanghai and Beijing. Yet the hotel industry faces, porcelain, perfumes. And many products and items, including bottled mineral water in the province of Arezzo, the eponymous champagne, chocolates of various flavors. And a fine coffee blends. The wine was missing. But up to now. Why
early 2011 the tailor-entrepreneur from San Biagio di Callalta (Treviso), will launch on the market a Maxim's de Rouge and Blanc de Maxim's. A debut ever, given to a Nero d'Avola and Grillo and a blend of Chardonnay. Both IGT Sicily, will be offered in limited edition, in boxes Wood, and raised in elegant Burgundy each wrapped in sheets of tissue paper. Three bottles of 40 € each, both daughters of the 70 hectares of vineyard planted by the Sicilian family Sutera, nell'Agrigentino and in the district of Mazara del Vallo (Trapani). It is with the Sutera, homonymous winery owners, the French fashion designer who has forged a partnership through which the Maxim's wines are produced in Sicily and in the circuit world of Pierre Cardin style. "It was not an easy thing, nothing was taken for granted" - Walter Curatolo says that with his mother Maria Sutera was directing the operation to the Sicilian home. "In recent months we have asked for samples of wine, analyzed them in Paris, sieved team of winemakers and tasters of Maxim's. At the end of - marks - we were told that we had chosen. "
The two labels will be submitted to the stand that Vinitaly 2011 will mark the debut of the French wine-universe. (Umberto Ginestra)

Too Much Hormones In Yaz

Planeta here the enemies of the Sicilian wine

Here's an article published, where President dell'Assovini Settesoli Diego Planeta and through a letter about all-out crisis, opportunities for our region, wine growers and speculators on its last legs, Doc of Sicily, and politics absent. I interviewed

Diego Planeta. Only this time, after talking for a long time he sent me a long text that summarizes our long conversation. The public as well. It 'an indictment that must be read and reread. For the future use of Sicilian wine.

"Dear Fabrizio, I ask
many, too many questions, answers some, the other I still think if you really want to publish and if this paper will arouse interest in your readers can write more. Urged me to start talking about crisis, dramatic declines in consumption etc.etc. Frankly, I do not see all this catastrophe, I do not think the drop in consumption may be true in Italy, not if we look at the global market, and this is what interests us. Certainly
consumption and consumer habits have moved, we understand how manufacturers-where-when, we will also change us and we will be ready to follow the evolution in progress.
On the other hand it is true that the crisis has affected the middle and upper segments (large and Gaja Chateau sell the same) it is true that increased demand for medium-priced wines.
If you look at the trend of the 2009 Italian distribution will see that the segments are growing 3 to 5 € 5 € and up, the fall in the lower segment.
The good news is that Chilean wines go up in price Australians and that the war has ended up sfiancare the multinationals that were put forth. E 'decreased their aggressive and more competitive markets today you can breathe better, the much feared invasion of U.S. wines in Europe at least, has not been as successful as expected.
I think that reality should be seen more objectively: for many years the market for upper-middle-priced wines has grown exponentially, now there is a moment of reflection, should be alert to tighten their belts and sticking.

deaths and injuries? Manco
talk about it, most companies will suffer just born, not sufficiently structured, with the obvious lack of resources and experience of course parallel to the above youth, the other will go ahead even aware that they could not wait for the "performance" the decade ended with the financial crisis. Clearly this means that the grape growers have fat years before there runs, the prices of wines and musts are certainly growing, but 30% increase to zero, unfortunately, is zero.

Here I hook the speech Cooperatives and green harvesting.
Too many cooperatives have survived for decades on byzantine, regional and community contributions, distillation, storage, enrichment etc.etc .. Now that's a finite world which unfortunately many find it hard to understand. They were a bit 'smarter would drive their partners to use heavily for green harvest that was supposed to last at least 5 years, just enough time to reorganize in a market boosted by reduction in production, and then be ready to go in adequate conditions of competitiveness. At the same time would have saved the Sicilian wine heritage that I think today really so much risk in many areas, growers are at the extreme, no longer able to stand here and look out the problems of mildew, powdery mildew, reducing yields per hectare etc.etc ..
I do not believe that in general this year have created conditions favorable to the occurrence of plant diseases, it is simply obvious that we can not afford the cost of defense careful and thorough cultivation of the vine where the grapes are then paid at 15 cents per pound (and unfortunately there is even worse).
So if we add, the natural decline in production as happens in some years, cases of diseases due to negligence, green harvesting, and grubbing up vines grown ill or abandoned for lack of income is not weird to think of a 30% reduction in production. By contrast, prices go up, but how many co-operatives and processors will be able to profit?
And how many of these increases will move sull'agricoltore?
I am not optimistic that orders of grapes made today have found large increases. Thousands of farmers are seeking alternatives to ailing cooperatives offer their grapes to a market that ... ... just not there, if we count the structures for processing can enhance the product are probably less than 10 ... as you see the cat is in the bag.
As you can see very different situations and patchy, segmented for different areas and categories, there are those who see the future with serenity, and there is concern with some people who unfortunately has no hope, how, what and to be distributed, a good puzzle, so many doubts with only one certainty, the West will suffer more than any Islander.

Meanwhile we continue to discuss green harvest, if you or if not, whether or not to resubmit it, let you turn in a couple of questions:
- there is an excess of production as it facilitates the market if not reducing ' offer at least in the short term, while attempting to save the wine heritage?
- the community, the State, the Regions provide ceiling of aid used to help farmers and to save the wine heritage, what if you can not invent green harvesting and / or distillation?
- and green harvest all of the expenditure goes to farmers.
- with the distillation will list the categories that see to satisfy their performance before the farmer:
producers of wine-making machines;
manufacturers of materials and products for wine making;
energy producers, transporters
distillers (in 40 years I have met thousands of experienced wine hunger of farmers and distillers never poor).
- so keep your account:
the sums spent are the same, in a case go all the farmer, the other him to be a small fraction, what is your preference?

If we were men of good will and if we had a skillful director, the "average" take advantage of these aids to work hard and get in the "long" the only true remedy of evil: the rise of "appeal" and therefore demand and consumption of wine from Sicily in the world. In my opinion there would be all the premises and many companies have demonstrated, but ... we are people of good will? We have learned royal? E then talking about the "wise directions" and long-term actions of the DOC Sicily ask me, where are we?
E 'ongoing strong domestic opposition to the Committee of Doc and that looks a bit', comes from groups and regions that have nothing to do with the Sicilian wine world.
They try to impose constraints are not written in any regulation ever imposed on other regions, the constraints that make it highly impractical because of the regional Doc. Obstacles
more than expected: too many shady characters outside the island do business in the mud dragging our brand more important "IGT Sicilia", bottled from everywhere without any control, fairness or legality.
All are full of discount Sicilian IGT Sicilia restituitoci bottled off the Island and at prices that producers would not pay us even a piece of production costs.
are things in everyone's eyes but nothing moves, the battle can be won in Rome, we could check with the Doc, rehabilitate, retrain, re-launch ... but now the time as councilor, calm, wisdom to be able to assist and guide in Rome and then reorganized in Sicily, smoothly and successfully, the system of checks and registers of producers? Over the past two years
assessors Agriculture I've seen go 3, maybe soon we will see another one that will last until a. .. who knows.
Meanwhile, officials are spinning, no excuse, "rotate" the skills, professionalism, knowledge, relationships with those who count in national and Community level should be to hell ... but maybe I'm wrong, not the skills to us in Sicily serve. We are professional and harvested when still in the womb, and then what do you want to count four buckets of grapes in the face of political and strategic balance of a region that has based its future on the packages brought into mass-votes by the tens of thousands of insecure!
Dear Fabrizio, for now I close here, I hope I never have you bored, if not then you should never even bother your readers ... until next time, that write on lights and shadows in the sector will abbiamo proprio tanto.

Un abbraccio
Diego Planeta

Maytag Atlantis Mav6200aww Information

Sycily - Seals of Black Soil

Tenuta delle Terre Nere is located in Sicily, on the northern slopes of the Etna Volcano. The estate is made up of roughly 30 hectares, of which 21 are vineyards. Roughly 4.5 of these have been uprooted (in the Calderara cru) and replanted, having let the soil "rest".

Two vineyards, for a total of roughly 11-12 hectares are in the Calderara Cru. Less than 1 hectare of Calderara is prephylloxera, the rest (which has not been uprooted) is about 40-50 years old. The trellessing is "en goblet" or self standing, but in wide spacing: 2.2 x 1 meters. The elevation here is between 650 and 700 meters above sea level.

Two vineyards are in the Guardiola Cru, for a total of 2.1 hectares. Both are 60-90 years old, except for replanted vines. 450 vines were replanted in Guardiola in 2005. Training is en goblet 1 x 1 meter tight traditional spacing, steep and terraced, which means the vineyards have to be worked by hand. The elevation here is 800 to 900 meters above sea level. Above 1,000 meters, perfect ripening is uncertain for red grapes, but still vineyards are planted at these altitudes. In any case, these are the highest altitude red grape vineyards in the "old world"!

Two vineyards are in the Feudo di Mezzo cru, for a total of 1.35 hectares. The vineyards are terraced, but not as steeply as the Guardiola vineyard. The vines are en goblet, roughly 1 x 1 meter spacing. The soil here is a blend of volcanic ash and volcanic sand, qui e unusual in this area. The vines’ average age is probably around 60-80 years old.

The soils differ vastly from patch to patch. 700,000 years of volcanic eruptions have created endless soil differentiations, many of which are radical. In this area the soil is roughly volcanic ash specked by black pumice and much more solid volcanic rock as well. Rocky is putting it mildly.

The great 2007 vintage will see the release of a new cru, Santo Spirito. A new hectar property was bought here after buying extraordinary grapes for three years. In 2008 we were able to buy 7 more hectares in this outstanding cru – adjacent to Guardiola! – and harvested here some of the finest grapes ever in 2008.

The weather variations in this area are profound and generally defined by exposure, "airyness", and altitude. But there are also microclimatic curiosities, such as the fact that Calderara lies between two rainfall areas, from both of which, for some reason, it is spared. "Airyness", as they define it here, which is a well exposed vineyard that is not closed in by hills, is particularly important because mildew and oidium are rather rough here. In fact, due to the fact that the harvest here is roughly between mid and the end of October making it the latest harvest in Italy after Aglianico (first week of November), the weather always breaks before the harvest, endangering the grapes at their most delicate stage. All in all, this is a very difficult climate, in many ways akin to Burgundy.

And if - like me - you grow grapes organically, or biologically, if you prefer - i.e., using only bordelaise mixture and organic fertilization - mostly dung - it makes it even harder. Most important, the extraordinary elevation yields dramatic temperature excursions. This, in turn, makes the wines of Etna extraordinarily fine and elegant, devoid of the heat and overripe sensations that overwhelmingly define "southern" wines. And, in fact, everyone who has tasted the wines of Terre Nere, particularly the 2004s, from the barrel or the bottle (as Elio Altare) says they find them most akin to Burgundy or Barolo.

And indeed the Etna could easily be seen as the Burgundy of the Mediterranean, as I mention on the Italian strip label. This is particularly obvious from 2004 on because from then on I’m releasing wines produced from three crus. The grapes are vinified and aged separately. Vinification is simple, classic, Burgundian: macerationfermentation between 10-15 days, malolactic and aging in oak - 25% new - bottling after roughly 18 months. The 2004 vintage marks the real birth of Tenuta delle Terre Nere, because for the first time the estate is self sufficient, and the grapes produced were vinified at the estate’s new cellars.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cellular Respiration Lab 5 Analysis Question

Opening to the world

Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, a gaunt brembiesi Patrol, 21 people plus the driver, attended the meeting on French soil twinning Brembio and Saint-Christo en Jarez, renewing the 'friendship between the two communities. The date chosen by French friends for the trip was one of the local fête de la gourmande potatoes, a fair that promotes local produce, potatoes, known throughout France for its quality and delicacy. But this year the program as currently topical expected on Saturday to visit the nearby Lyon, a city rich in history and cultural treasures, declared UNESCO World Heritage site.
not fully see it all in a day, so the choice of French friends for the excursion was restricted to the vestiges of the ancient Lugdunum, the capital of Roman Gaul and the Three-Vieux Lyon: the aqueducts, the hill of Fourvière then, and some aspects of the old Lyon as traboules and miraboules , the streets of a rich architectural heritage of remarkable depth and curiosity, the museum that collects Gadagne puppets of all countries and celebrates the Théâtre de Guignol, the character invented by Laurent Mourguet Lyon in 1808. It was an opportunity to discover a wonderful site where history, from ancient Gaul to date, is shown in its entirety to the attention of the visitor, a dynamic open-air museum, a city that perhaps for many brembiesi only remember the name of a football team encountered by their minions in the Champions League.
There were of course the typical moments of twinning, the official events and social occasions, such as dinner on Saturday in families, which would strengthen the friendship not only with host families, but also with other participants at the event, and exchange of ideas, information on mutual communities, everyday life.
The official ceremony was held at the new school of Saint-Christo, building that houses the equivalent of our nursery and primary manufactured to the standards of modern education, and whose energy needs are supplied by a photovoltaic system on the roof. Representing the Municipality of the City Council Brembio Giorgio Marazzi, who read a letter from the mayor of Brembio, in which he apologized to the Mayor of Saint-Christo by its absence at the meeting and attempted a justification of little participation brembiese encounter, compared with previous, citing reasons such as the crisis that the world is experiencing and the insecurity that drive people today not to move from home.
The mayor of Saint-Christo, Remy Guyot, speaking in turn, declared to accept an apology from the mayor brembiese and ensured its presence in Italy next year at the new encounter between the communities. Turned positive in the contents of the letter taking some statements such as the fact that twinning represents "enormous value" and "a valuable asset to be preserved" and is "a message to young 'and' hope you can find the opening to the world" .
After the greetings, followed the exchange of gifts between the two communities by the two presidents of their twinning committees, Maria Grossi for Brembio Voron and Mireille Saint-Christo en Jarez. During the ceremony, remembered the work of former Chairman of the Committee brembiese, Marilena Parenti, now residing in London, which was at the heart Brembio twinning initiative, and wished to be present at this meeting making the trip by Brembo with other citizens. The official ceremony was closed by a launch of balloons in their national colors.
This is the summary of the news in this year's trip to Saint-Christo. The weekly paper has deeds and words in number 26 on Sunday guide a broader devoting four pages to the event. Also some video of the ceremony will be posted on the page BrembioYouTv . To see Facts and Words here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Princess Cruise Interview Questions


"Now as times in which we live, the examples that are out there, these phrases that are said a little 'free, it is clear that there are people like that. There are, there are. But it must be fought at all costs this bad habit. With meritocracy, with the sacrifices that everyone can do, otherwise everything is useless ... if not, instead of going to school, it is better to go during a strip-tease, "so to speak is Alessandra Mussolini, interviewed by the nineteenth century to the outside of Angela Napoli, a Member of the Future and Freedom, who said," I do not exclude Members who are prostitutes "and George Clelio Stracquadanio, who host the program KlausCondicio said: "prostitution, if you want to make a career, it is legitimate." Of course the opinion of Mussolini on the two sentences is strongly negative: "They are phrases that speak for themselves. And you can not throw these things on the joke, there must be an ethic, a decoration. Here you move from one extreme to the other, there is no middle ground, no common sense, completely lacks common sense. The simplest things in the world, which is a bit 'of balance and reasonableness, it seems that no longer exist. " The Mussolini, remember, is chairman of the bicameral committee to childhood and adolescence.
The facts are known. Angela and Giorgio Stracquadanio Naples, in a sort of counterpoint to distance, they raised a big noise on political careers. Finian the first, most of all antifiniano antifiniani another. In "Do not rule out that senators or deputies have been elected after being prostituted," the first "It is perfectly legitimate for a career that everyone who uses that, intelligence or beauty to be. If a deputy or a deputy did come out and admit it had been sold for a career or a place in the race, not a good enough reason to leave the House or the Senate, "the other.
Stracquadanio, politician and journalist, former leading member of the Transnational Radical Party, to understand, is what I also said that Fini had to reserve the "treatment Boffo." It should be that politics is what is, and go to his radical candidates Cicciolina. Everything is fine, but someone in the PDL has turned the quip: "But this here, because if it takes Fini?". But he said that as a truth that has been ridiculed to defuse it: "The policy also has a public dimension. There is also physically present to voters. " Available as say .

Divorce Mount And Blade

In search of unity A smile

Reassuring, this seems to be the watchword distributed to the press by the Democratic Party Lodi. They are not national issues to take bench, although that almost contemptuous "A yawn we bury" the young democrat mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, the announcement of the New Bersani Olive, Olive the GM genes without the radical left, of the PRC, should one worry bit ', because Renzi is saying that the leaders, D'Alema, Bindi, Veltroni, to name some, have failed and, therefore, they go home. Like the fact that the democratic cinema has begun to spread the trailer of a new, say, film Veltroni 2 revenge. Veltroni a "concerned about the situation, what comes out of the polls," his words. Who cares to say his opinions within the Democratic Party: "I hope you can tell because in the past days I have seen things that run the risk of calling into question the strength of the party: press releases, statements and interviews. " O Beppe Fioroni that does nothing but repeat: "We have entered the Democratic Party because we believed in a party of innovation. I have not changed my mind, if others have done, we will not evict. " No, none of this. A bench press are the contrasts within the Democratic Party Lodi erupted in early July for the story of an appointment in a public body, la Sal, which runs the water Lodi. So
The Citizen on September 6 informs us already in the incipit of a signed article AB that "domestic disputes are outdated as we approach to a functional reorganization of the council in the Province, "and then tell us that at the end of the drive, for a number of reasons that will be called away, papal candidate to serve as group leader, Councillor Luca Canova," would weigh the role of domestic disputes in the Democratic Party regarding the appointment of Antonio Redondo at the helm of Sal. " But despite that the journalist was quick to add: "And speaking of those controversies, is the Secretary Mauro Soldati to put an end to any further recovery." If he says so we can believe it or not? Eight days later because it would seem that after all the fire under the ash hatch if the headline of the article Matteo Brunello "The Democratic Party seeks unity. " And he's not looking for a copy of the newspaper directed by Conchita De Gregorio, tells us, in this case, the opening paragraph: "The Democratic Party tries to overcome their internal divisions." But of course, is minimized, as in the title: "After the controversy comes clarity." Yet we read in this statement of Gianfranco agreed, leading, currently advisor to the provincial: "We had a frank discussion and serene. We asked a few questions and have been discussed. Our positions are all critical, but the goal is to take a step forward after discussions in recent months. " Willingness on both sides, perhaps, nothing more. So much so that "the inner fringe, who had challenged the leadership of the Democratic Party Lodi, also presented a document to define a" code of ethics "in the selection of its leaders for public companies," writes Brunello. "A proposed agenda for about a dozen signatories (out of 60 total), and that will be sent to management for further evaluation on the merits."
There is no need here to retrace the whole story, because what matters is on the news the other week, that "without saying so openly, the Democratic Party prepares farewell by the Provincial Council and former President Osvaldo Felissari former vice Fabrizio Santantonio. Farewell the second is almost taken for granted after his election to the Regional Council. In its place came the Franco Pinchiroli democrat.
Two are the reasons that affect the output of the former president of the province, defeated in recent elections, Felissari. The rumors of his departure circulated for some time, and if it wishes to continue playing the role of minority leader, this would be a more opportune time to lift the reservation, it is assumed in the papers. As we said, a first stop to his exit in the Province that would come in its place the former councilor Antonio Bagnaschi well as for the "positive cooperation" in the former provincial government, but with little 'Defect' of being a Communist PRC, and, therefore, should give the Democratic Party a place on the advice of a local party ally, but it intends to keep out of the New Olive Bersani.
The other reason of brake is the fact that there would be problems for his succession as a parent, if the role is impossible to Mauro Soldati that Lodi is not only secretary of the Democratic Party but also vice-chairman of that board, Gianfranco Agreed according to news sources have expressed reservations and Luca Canova, as was previously anticipated would weigh his role in the controversy inside the Democratic Party. Is not appointed Councillor Margaret Fusar Poli, perhaps for his young age and the limited political experience. But perhaps it might be an idea as to renewal of the party and the megaphones as overcoming gender differences.
then expanding the horizon of political relations, it will be interesting to see who will end up being the relationship between Lodi and Pd after the PRC national secretary has ruled out such possible alliances, because it is good to be on crutches, as in Italy - has Bersani said in Turin - for "democratic alliance on two poles, a new electoral law and defend the Constitution" but "then it is obvious that come with their lists." Already, more democratic than that ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who Is Tiffany Granath Married Too.


A good video for a wonderful cake

RicetteVegan: Sacher Torte from Piercarlo Paderno on Vimeo .

How Fast Can I Get Duplicate Car Title?

Maurizio Belpietro interviewed a Knight raised the positive evolution of the national political situation, "I do not think we should go to the polls. The situation is under control, we are calm, the conditions are in Parliament because it does go on until 2013. The Italians want the government to continue to work to reform Italy. " The interview was published on Tuesday 14 Free. Government until 2013, says Berlusconi, to make the reforms envisaged in the five issues: taxes, fiscal federalism to combat tax evasion, justice, Noon, public safety and immigration.
The optimism is based on two certainties, friendship first with Bossi, which says: "That is a true friendship with Bossi, a relationship developed over time, there is mutual trust. Since this relationship is born solid and lasting political alliance. " The second certainty is that "the majority is what the Italians have voted, so-called Finian have repeatedly stated that the Italians will be fair and respect the vote and the program. I am absolutely sure of this. "
Berlusconi ask the confidence of Parliament in late September to kick-start reforms whose priorities are the five points mentioned. There will be a quick process: "It is one of the five points. It is a law, however, important. In Italy there are nine million jobs pending, of which five are civil cases, and the European Court of Justice has repeatedly ordered to pay damages for the delays. " There will be no election law, "No, because this law has removed the country dall'ingovernabilità election, that time when governments and lasted a few months ago so that a government lasts five years, according to mandate of the electorate and the rules a modern and democratic country. "
Belpietro's interview, in addition to being a great topic of image for her newspaper, aims at two objectives. First, to highlight the positive action of government. Even now, as a starter, are reported in the words of the Prime Minister: "Many reforms are already been made: school, university, bureaucracy, works great, nuclear energy. " Then the economic situation and how to address it: "First, EU, OECD, IMF observed that our government has effectively managed the most serious crisis of the last eighty years. We have been monitoring the public finances and if we consider the aggregate debt, Italy is even stronger among the EU countries, alongside Germany and ahead of France, Britain and Sweden. Of this we have to thank the companies and the Italians who save regularly and pay the mortgage and have bank accounts in surplus. A fundamental strength of this country our government has managed to combine a policy of discipline in public spending and then develop the economy, giving adequate support to banks, enterprises and households. Now you start shooting, I am optimistic by nature, do not believe a relapse. Also because we run a serious crisis by ensuring that Italy play a leadership role internationally in phases, "said Berlusconi.
The second objective is to highlight the role of prime minister, showing him a different face from what is depicted in the Italian newspapers. So asks the knight what Belpietro relations with other international leaders, with whom it has a strong relationship like the one recently described by Tony Blair in his biography. Berlusconi's answer: "With all. I'm open to friendship. Blair wrote about me what they think all world leaders I have known and worked with me. To paraphrase a commercial sport, I would say that there are two Berlusconi, different. One bad and unpresentable found in the Italian papers that are mostly left. Another is the tycoon paid to the policy that knows how to appreciate all the world leaders for his political experience, the quality of its concrete proposals. "
Berlusconi finally, "take advantage" of the space Free to bring more water to his mill about two among many other issues that animate the political debate at this time. First, the reasons that he "prayed" his MPs not to include the short trial of the five points: "In the Senate have already approved a new text on the process short and limited to six and a half the length of trials for less serious offenses. I do not seem few. But when there are a half I, who am the best person in the world under investigation, the left speaks of the law on a personal basis because this law may also affect cases that concern me. " The second issue concerns the non-replacement of the minister of economic development. Berlusconi says: "There was no vacuum in this period in my interim, but rather a" full "of over three hundred decisions. Berlusconi as the law that revolutionized the relationship between citizens and government. Now the citizen can do everything that is not expressly prohibited by law. For example, who first wanted to open a hotel needed a fortnight prior authorization. Now open the hotel and the control of the will only in retrospect. It is a true liberal revolution. "
The impression is that the knight is enough by itself - Bersani who attacked him, saying "the billionaire to the optimism which costs nothing" - to render meaningless the cries of war launched from the stage in Turin. Recalling the words of Renzi, the Democratic Party mayor of Florence, the announcement of the new Olive Tree, "a yawn will bury us," we can annotate: a yawn and a smile.

Jack Jack Incredibles


"Brothers Po, I know of that nonsense spoken by Fini, the Padania does not exist: as if we did not exist. But everyone is free to commit suicide as he wishes ...». So Bossi in Venice has unleashed his speech, stressing the inadequacy of this simple phrase of the policy chairman of the House to seize the political reality of today. Definitely a out who wants to revive the MSI today, his legacy, even if in disguise. But the words betray the habit. And to complete the message that the Po Valley of Italy is much more real unitary "fascist" Fini, not only in the minds of people in the North, Bossi said in the middle of his speech: "We know that Europe is very careful to Padania: Europe is in crisis because it undergoes a crisis of all nation-states, and will not recover so much based on nation-states, which have failed, but on people. And first of all the people of the Po valley, a large population of older workers, who also built by the people's economic strength. We do not find the money on plants, how does someone, but the result of years of work. If we had not we well know, Italy is not open the door to any country in the world. Instead, open the door because there are anywhere Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont ... Hardworking population, known for their honesty, for their workforce, in keeping one's word. " And again: "If you think about it, there is Lombard Street in London, there is no" Roma Street "or" Italy street, "just to clarify. So the great peoples who today are united in the call Padania and get the freedom to the world, even in our country, because their needs are driven by a political party that believes that we believed yesterday and will believe tomorrow. Dear Fini, the Po Valley and there is a desire for faith in the past, today and tomorrow. Thank you, brothers and Po a hug to everyone. "
As for himself, Bossi, after saying, "This time, for the first Once I realized that a little 'time goes by, even for me. I was up in the mountains the other day and I missed my breath: luckily it was my son who was with me all along that road and rough stones. And then you know that oxygen is missing in the mountains. But we will go on until the end. And then, fortunately, with my wife Manuela I pulled on a row of children, all members of the League: if one leaves, another enters. My family is the League: I do not oblige them, but they feel to continue the battle for freedom of Padania. After us will be our children, the battle will never stop. The great struggle of peoples for freedom will reach the target, "later at the end of the speech reassures everyone: "I, personally, I retire only when the Padania will be free and united: a hug, Po brothers."
The current priority of the party, federalism, Bossi provides: "Federalism is ready, the day goes, he goes by the hour." A result that will be obtained because "this government has strongly supported the institutional reforms." And, therefore, says to his people: "So get ready: it's up to you, it's up to all the countries of Padania do everyone a big party in the main square, because this is a fundamental reform."
E Bossi says a few words in the reform of fiscal federalism: "During Throughout the summer and I have followed Calderoli Tremonti and eventually we reached an agreement with him. Regions, importantly, compete like a mixture of personal income tax and VAT. This, we said, is a tax that pays a bit stiff 'across the country, including the South, while the personal income tax is a tax more flexible. Let me give an example: If you had the availability IRPEF Cota, all companies that until now have relocated to the East would return to the Piedmont. On the reduction of taxes such as income tax Federalism is an instrument of great flexibility if it is no longer national, no longer having to first go to Rome. Europe certainly does not allow us to lower the VAT, even if the tap is only to increase it. " And then the federal state property: "We brought home a good Federalism: the lakes, the rivers are at least back to the regions. Now we know who they are skills. Those goods were disappearing into thin air, but now I'm back home and never end up in Rome, thieving Rome, says the league. "
But Bossi's no shortage of controversial ideas: "In Rome is seen around a poster that says it is the League for thieving Rome sure that whoever touches the things they have gained with the old party politics is not welcome. But we are not scared. We will go on to change the country, like it or not: our people are tired of maintaining a bandwagon that would be used anyway to get to the bottom without reforms. " Not only that, but it raises: "Now that federalism has been brought home, thanks to us, but also to you, brothers Po, and your faith," now that "the company awarded Calderoli-Bossi has done it ' , "there is now another battle to be done: bring home a bit 'of ministries, which are now all concentrated in Rome." He explains: "In England, the decentralization has been done years ago in London there's no ministry because they were all distributed to other cities, including the important ministries such as the school. Everything has been distributed. It has gained financially, but also has gained in freedom. And this is the road that we want to follow us. From "Roma Street" to the great capitals of the Po Valley, but also of the South, where there are large cities. " The reason is economic: "Milan, Turin, Venice: you can not that our young people that they can get access to posts in the ministry? The ministries are a huge source of jobs and money. I know you agree, and then we will fight the way of decentralization of the ministries. " The answer, in short, the sack of Rome with the sack of Rome. And it's interesting how Bossi explains the initiative: "We always know in advance what the people want because we are always among you," and there was an evil "because we are the people." The first
Bossi's party intervention is devoted to agriculture: "I see among you there are many farmers. We received a group of Cobas milk the other day in Milan, the headquarters of the League and we have also brought a wheel of cheese: I Calderoli and we took advantage, and we thank them. I must say that after hearing both Berlusconi and Tremonti, I asked the Government to undertake to treat in Europe to get what you can about the quotas. Do not abandon you, brothers, farmers do not let them disappear farming valley. " And again: "We do not care what he said Fini, or what goes around saying Casini. We know that you are of good people, exploited workers, and will not leave you put your hands on your stables on your assets won in a lifetime of work. Casini said that the other one here, that you are cheaters ... No, we do not let yourself be enchanted by the people, know them. Fini said that we forced the Italians to pay for you, but this is not true, indeed: since joining Zaia, Italy is no longer paying any fine. Thank you, Luke ... I know that you love in a particular way and think that we were wrong to send him to make the governor of the region: in fact, we lost a great Minister of Agriculture and instead we found ourselves Galan. Galan, who like Bossi says, "was the only minister who denounced their government in Europe and invited the EU to penalize his government because he helped the group of farmers. "
And here is the reason for the renewed support: "You farmers the other day you turned to our award-winning company to meet again the problem of milk quotas will face it. I want you to come before Berlusconi and Tremonti to explain well what is your situation, committing the government to go to Europe to do battle, because they are shameful things happening: the investigations of the police is coming out that the numbers given to Europe are all false. So Europe needs to do is pleased to acknowledge the tragic reality of a category like that of the farmers affected by political thugs, which were the antecedents of those who now cry out against you. Maybe once, while the Christian Democrats, milk quotas were good, but now you are saying that the criminals seem to me too. "
On the situation of the majority was Roberto Maroni to intervene: "If there will be 316 votes of confidence Berlusconi will go on, otherwise you must resign," which echoed Calderoli: "We do not need a governicchio to eat cake. We need a government to bring home the reforms. " As well as the leader in the House Reguzzoni: "We can not stop us from the quagmire in Rome. It goes on only if it can govern. " Clear speech.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Power Of Attorney State Bank Of India

Slippers and boots

An article summarizing the meeting Republic closing Bersani democrat the National Day of Turin with a sentence of secretary: "We are a party of government opposition at the moment." A "moment" certainly optimistic as the quotation marks in the title: "Driving the Italian revival." Who? The democrat? If not now proposing what the request for a transitional government that many a new electoral law, the project of hope, a voting mechanism which, compensating the lack of a coherent program of development of the country, carry the Democratic Party in government.
'fierce opposition to any governicchio, "cries Bersani militants, calling them "comrades" - "they applaud when he pronounces the word," notes the reporter Republic. Reporter adds that "A Bersani is difficult to understand, not displease all the ancient rites such as the closing rally, the stage with the management team deployed to the wings in a style that can remind the politburo. A vision shared by the front of Sallusti Journal, who writes: "The moderate and reformist opposition leader returns to its common origin, and does so with the pride of those who remain firmly wedded to that ideology, by formally putting part not out of conviction but for the spirit of survival. And of communism, the leader of the Democratic Party in his speech dusts off all the rhetoric, sadness, dullness, tedious, especially the utopia. " And later, when disputing the "governicchio" writes noting that the resources are not infinite, but have a definite limit beyond which there is only the bankruptcy: "Comrade Bersani should know this well. The PCI, in fact, he co-ruled Italy with the DC for fifty years, approving (and voting) seventy percent of the decisions, especially those most wretched who blew up the national debt, high taxation, given the world of work in the hands of unionists. But not only. Over the past 18 years, are among the pioneers of the so-called Second Republic, the left ruled in the first person 10 years compared to 8 Berlusconi's allies. It is not clear, the data in hand, why not Bersani process itself rather than Berlusconi, to which everything that can be reproached for not having brought the government accounts in the area at risk. "
All'antiberlusconismo is associated antileghismo: "The Premier League and they took from the country's vision of the future, have stolen the horizon" and the joyous war machine the ability to govern. And then they talk in front of the palace, that of the Piedmont: "Maybe I feel Cota. The League is the saucer of Berlusconi, speaking of thieving Rome but then holding the sack of Rome to the four robbers. Theirs is an outrageous comedy. " That "tough opposition" to the "federalists of the weekend," as he calls them, that by dint of being next to the corrupt cliques and have lost the "moral tension and popular." And then, you would like to: "The Northern League did not bring something new to Italy. Patrols, maybe. Nothing like crèches, services for senior citizens, craft areas, urban planning. We invented everything. Anything to them. " Wow, these pd and you do not govern. And there is the joke: "We're not snobs, we speak clearly. Warning: those who left us too Arcore undershirt. " And then the dramatic figures of the social crisis, apocalypse, "There fibrillation in Country. If the government continues to fan the flames, to divide the world of work who then go out the fires? ". Anything goes, a riot of flags and applause raining down, up to two square sicknesses caused by the sun in hot and unforgiving. Bersani And the same with a white handkerchief to dry the sweat copious flooding the front, large stresses as the chronicler of Republic. Fortunately, not rain, if not hell broke loose, what else would have brought home the government on which brood. He writes on Sallusti Journal: "Crisis, unemployment, poverty, sacrifices need to touch every time he speaks. Especially because the other side, the leader of the center as well as a liberal view of life and society, has the gift of optimism and jetsam of Bersani contrast targets but difficult otherwise. Type: I will lower taxes, fight cancer and live to 120 years, hold on thanks to you that the crisis will pass, beautiful women alive, who is committed is going to make a career, remember to smile and laugh and that's good good leads and the like. "
E Sallusti asks: "Now, if we exclude the handful of intellectuals and some public morality, do you think the nation who should be entrusted? In an undertaker or a Knight, we also dreamer? ". Wrote the director of the Democratic Party provincial Lodi Luca Canova in his blog a few days ago, "to Italian average, be wrong but I do not think, does not affect the future of schools, universities, welfare, is more interested in knowing if that was Tulliani between ends and true love, if Naomi was a virgin or not, if Silvio will give the shield, if can be overdriven without damage, if you can live with the mafia. So if you can stay Italian, a little 'clumsy and a bit' sharp operators tricking a little 'mattoidi and a bit' serious, a little 'genialoidi and some' criminals in the world is advancing, where even the poor have become, with method and tenacity, serious and credible and do not discount anyone, let alone all'Italietta of Silvio Berlusconi. " In short, the reality is that Canova "the majority of middle-class Italian, useless to pretend that, like quest'ominicchio which legitimizes the vulgarity, arrogance, ignorance of the bottom. " An Italy made "in most of his subjects, not protagonists. Of Cicchitti, Gasparri, La Russa and Brambilla, not Falcone, Borsellino, teachers pulling out with his teeth, that stumped doctors in hospital wards. It hurts to say this, but we are made mostly like that. " Canova is wrong for "the basic strategy of the Democratic Party," because it is based on an equivocal on which the party is likely to crash.
"People need dreams, possibly win. This last word is absent from the discourse of Bersani, who dares not pronounce even turn to the name of his party, "continues Sallusti. "So much so that as solutions to problems did not say the boys, we drop Berlusconi we're going to vote and win. No, said (summarize): Fini hopefully succeed in its efforts to send a crisis in the majority, so we go by Comrade Napolitano and we do make a nice technical government with whoever is there. " Here, Sallusti says: "But if he does not believe that the left can be a very strong alternative to the center, who the hell wants to convince?".

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blueprint For Wrestling Ring


"In 2001 I was elected by Margaret Olive-and I have moved, in 2006 with the Union-Margaret and I have not moved; in 2008 with the Democratic Party and even from there I moved. If anything, I was kicked out, expelled. Anything but lazy or corrupt. I am consistent and I never, repeat never, a notice of investigation. " So says Richard Villari interviewed by Fabrizio D'Esposito for the Reform . The senator from Naples, now in the mixed group, met in the middle of summer Silvio Berlusconi at Palazzo Grazioli, and this is considered a potential leader of the parliamentary group of "national leaders" pro Berlusconi.
As you recall, Villari held chronicles the bench with his election as President of the Supervisory Board of RAI with the votes of the center as the Democratic Party of Walter Veltroni, then hesitated on behalf of the President and did not know which way to turn. Villari pressed by his own party and a real feud driven by cross democrat, left in early 2009, after most of the commissioners "very democratically" to do decay resigned, leaving the chair to the great trust Rai old Sergio Zavoli. So says Richard Villari what happened next: "When I was thrown out by a secretary Pd capricious and incompetent, I was the victim of a disgraceful Stalinist purges. The secretary was also Veltroni and demanded to remove my name from the constituents of the party. A real damnatio memoriae. " Then, "I continued to do politics. I am a Member of Parliament territory, not a lounge. After the death sentence issued by Veltroni I had support and comfort to many who have told me: "Richard you have to be there." I went ahead and in the meantime the Democratic Party has had two secretaries, Franceschini and Bersani. None of them called it. There are still bad, I'm a decent person. "
and his personal story of decent person returns again later in the interview: "There is one thing that made me really bad in the case. It was when Peter called me a "corrupt" without even knowing it and not one of my friends are moderates in the Democratic Party stood up to defend myself. And since no one has called me. Yet friends I had so many moderates in the Democratic Party. " How 'Dario Franceschini, and Enrico Letta. Dario has also come to Naples several times, my birthday parties. But I say this without recriminations. Now I look back and it is clear that the attack game. I do not have to defend anything. And then, Let's face it, the Democratic Party is not going really bad. " He explains: "He has a drift and executioner has completely forgotten the value of the guarantor. And now the faces of the Democratic Party that appear are those that belong to that other story, that Communist. "
As mentioned, in late July Riccardo Villari met with Silvio Berlusconi. The meeting said: "I do not know. I met him for the first time in my life. I am a political subject, purged from his party. As such I un'agibilità I claim. But I do not do negotiations. I never made. And without a treaty merchant defy anyone to say that I'm wrong. When in 2000 I was elected regional councilor in Campania, with 15 000 votes, Bassolino offered me a job as a councilor. I refused. " Moreover, it must be said, Villari is a senator and the Senate, as the journalist points out the numbers are not a problem for Berlusconi. Born there too a group of "national responsibility" anti-Fli? I do not know. I only know that Berlusconi has been very helpful and I can count on its availability. But in light of the sun. And then I have already voted in favor of the majority. Today there is still a two-party system and I dialogue with people looking for me. I say thank you but also Casini Berlusconi and Rutelli. Time will tell. " As for his place in the center?, He replied: "No, not organic. I am an elected official without a binding mandate. " As for the government, Villari says, "I hope that this government governments," another government "would not be a good thing. Berlusconi was elected. But even if I'd tell the other side. " On Fini, who signed his withdrawal: "The thing I enjoy and I am saddened, at the same time. There was someone who made comparisons with my case. In fact, my hunt was a weak point in constitutional law is not politically motivated. It had never happened before. At that time a mechanism has been operated mortal that can affect anyone. Now is the turn of Fini. "
Villari back in the game, a true Neapolitan, moderate left, so "Naples is the largest center of national bankruptcy."

Average Cost To Replace A Starter


Stefania Craxi was interviewed Saturday by QN . Bluntly: "With certain characters if you scratch the veneer Liberal Fascism comes out." But who gets angry Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs? "Who is allowed to give the watchdogs greedy" to those members of An who have freely chosen not to follow Fini. " Yes, they have turned their backs on Fini, "this is plain of all. But you can not deny that those who have distanced themselves from Fini was elected under the banner of the PDL. "
"And then there's another point," continues Stefania Craxi. "None of them responded in a disorderly way. They have not lost my mind even when faced with the fact that in Mirabello Fini has called "colonels are looking for a general." They gave a lesson in style. " And those who have remained loyal? A few, not few, Craxi has no doubt many "but not as much as you would have us believe. If you look good, with Fini were just the nostalgic salute. In my opinion, the division of An has been a real flop. "
a fact, however, that when those few votes of Finian may undermine the government. Craxi says: "It's true, you will see clearly whether Fini wants to live by blackmail. If he does I can only say that I do not think a good job. " The threat of early elections averted? the Secretary would seem so, "apart from any blackmail," and not "recent events show that the PDL is standing, and is not afraid to face trial or the government, nor the election."
Nuccio Natoli, the reporter who collected the interview at the end asked his thoughts about the early voting. Stefania Craxi replied: "I am an absolute lack thereof. Whether it betrays the will of the voters, either because the country does not need a fiery election. If someone wants at all costs if they take responsibility. " No doubt about it as the fact that the electorate will judge the event well, separating the facts from the virtual propaganda.

Women Getting Wedgees


The warning from the Minister Roberto Calderoli Simplification legislation, as reported Saturday Padania is firm and clear: "Be careful, if someone were to think of governments other than those voted in Parliament, then be careful, because in this case the North goes away. " No games of the building, therefore, no turnaround, no offense to the popular will that was expressed democratically by a vote at the last election. Clear message, or the North, which keeps the entire country economically, it would not fit anymore.
A Pian del Re, the source of the Po Monviso says, explaining: "Speaking of a possible no-confidence, Umberto Bossi wanted to give a big hand to those who are trying to gather support for the trust, because fear is not only 90, but also 320 and sometimes 360. What we wanted to clarify is that there must be a majority, a majority of real conviction. We know that Parliament guarantees certain majorities but what we wanted to clarify is that there must be a majority that can not be questioned the next day. " And as for early elections to overturn or less adds: "As they say in these cases? Never say never. Elections in a democracy there are always, it depends on moments, I say if you can go ahead and implement the entire program and the planned reforms, but only on condition that this be done. Otherwise the only way is to return the word to the people. "
They are, therefore, numbers and consistency: "At the end of month we look at the cards and count the numbers and if we are going forward. New entry in the majority? Only if someone is really convinced of the goodness of the reforms that have also found a growing consensus, such as federalism, I think that enlargement is possible, by convention, but it can be for a recruitment drive. "
Calderoli Fini is also on the net and its outside of Mirabello, "We leaguers for the good of the country we have firefighters throughout the summer, trying to mediate between the parties and to cool tempers. But after the speech of Mir seems to me that all these efforts have been thwarted. Mirabello's speech was not an outstretched hand for peace between the parties. It was a speech by a leader but a leader of the opposition. " And the minister does not fail to list the wrongs done to the league and the people that the league is, "Mr Fini told us that Padania does not exist, that there is no ground we were born and raised, the land, with his work, it keeps the rest of the country and helps to pay the salaries of everyone, including that of Mr. Fini. I've already said we can not accept a majority of if, but of though. And from the stage of Mirabello Fini gave a string of if, but and however. Type federalism is good, but we deal with and if the usual though. Oh no, federalism you do if you are convinced, and now they are all that is good and we all need, as now also support the mayors of Rome and Reggio Calabria. "
But last point raised by Fabrizio Carcano, than Calderoli told reporters on the rocky and grassy plain where he was born the largest river of Padania is the correct statement of the grounds of a need to go up the Hill to confer with the President of the Republic: "From the President of the Republic will not be a matter of trust or confidence issues but with respect to aspects constitutional and regulations because it is clear that some conflict of interest at this time is in the House. I remember that in the coming days remains to be distributed in the parliamentary committees, in the light of the birth of the new parliamentary group of the FLI, which is part Fini and is responsible to him that this distribution of two or three parliamentary committee. If we have done well there is a risk that the accounts at the end of the current majority will find yourself in the minority even in nine of the fourteen committees. And next October 5th will be renewed committee chairs. It is clear that the functionality of one of the two Houses of Parliament is at risk and that the President of the Republic, under Article 88 of the Constitution, is interested in running a branch of Parliament. " Because, says Calderoli, the reversals can be done on the sly, even so.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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The shelter, Lodi, Democratic party provincial leaders democrat Lodi weight make the big voice, show your muscles against Foroni and his junta. In front of the militants yes, we can . The heavier sentences against the provincial government ruled until a little over a year ago by the Democratic Party, put it so well in the conditions to exceed the stability pact, collects an article by Andrea on Bagatta Citizen a few days ago. An event "historic" seems to understand. The 'scoop' on the Lodi area is open daily Councilor Luca Canova: "It's hard to comment on anything." Incipit of great effect to warm the militants. Although perhaps a bit too philosophical. "No concrete proposal on productive activities, no serious prospect for the development of the territory, a plan of works public ridicule. " More understandable, of course, open to question, but, you know, the militants are not fussy as long as you talk ill of the opponent, and above all they have poor memory. "The government of the province by the center has so far been only words arrogant, unfounded accusations, resolutions and proclamations. For incisive actions, projects or works are still waiting. " You know, the Democratic Party has mastered the subject, as in Lodi in Rome. But then these poor and pidiellini leaguers who have taken over the government just over a year ago, 15 months to be precise, not have magic wands, especially after the faults found and reported that you are to govern the consequences. Come on. We reasonable. And instead of down a barrage of questions: "What is being done for the revival of local production? And how do you want to manage the disposal of waste? What vision you have for the development of Lodi? ". Lacked only the question of whether or not the province intends to build a rocket to Mars. Certainly there appear to be zealous in front of the regional secretary Maurizio Martina, who participates in the festival, says Bagatta enshrined as "the beginning of a new and urgent political action marked the minority" from now on by a constant and accurate analysis criticism of the acts adopted by the new administration "."
And here, followed by the statements of the provincial council Gianfranco Agreed, great navigator Lombard policy: "As we expected serious opposition to the measures before giving an opinion, but today the time of the charges to those who came first is finished and wait for the center on the facts." Which can also be interpreted as a "time to fix our faults is finished, now waiting for the completion of your program." Absolutely right. But a bit 'of hyperbole does not fail: "The commissioner is making the road a few meters of paths and calls into question the 200 or 300 km made by previous administrations. The same commissioner had assured us that the reports would be changed and instead with Trenitalia rail transport is worse than before. The president argues Foroni with Auchan free business decisions without worrying about the possible consequences for hundreds of workers in the company. " It is clear that the arguments are not arguments and that to fight on their hands can be just as enthusiastic about a militant distracted. But are the words of Foroni, the provincial president, later to give the correct answer. Here, however, the icing on the cake Agreed policy: "By its inaction the current administration seems to do everything possible to convince people that the provincial authorities are unnecessary," the last straw for a Northern League, in fact, suggests the former Regional Council. Most of the insult political. Who knows the laughter.
And then, the newcomer to local politics and Lodi has his turn on stage at the shelter. He says the Provincial Councillor Margaret Fusar Poli, "Foroni in his inaugural address he said he would be president of all, but in fact it is not, and the Board committees are no longer working." Words that minorities Brembio, since it is also communal councilor majority and the last city council has played the role of parent, should note, as they say, for future reference, as seen in the same minorities have complained that counsel with respect to commissions convened. And then the ending: "Beyond the proclamations of the savings come because you go to eat pizza at a restaurant instead, the administration does not explain how he wants to address the crisis, what are the priorities of the territory and if we really fight to eliminate waste. " Topics that line should be useful to questions from his part, exchanged hats in council to Brembo.
I said the presence of the regional secretary democrat Maurizio Martina. Different countries, different attributes of the fact is, sometimes disturbing. After a brief statement rather that "even at the regional level the time of the League's propaganda is over," he adds, "Lombard Democratic Party is ready to do its part by looking to model Lodi, a mix of strong identity of the party and openness to society marital status, the Guerini mix that led to confirmation in common in Lodi. Certainly, after the experience of bitrombato Penati anything can work. And then it must be recognized, Guerini so far as the first president of the province and then as mayor, he never lost. What the Democratic Party is suffering everywhere in the presence of the Lombardy League, the party that Bersani door every day away votes from the left, and is not a paradox, it also reflected the words of the Regional Council of Lodi Fabrizio Santantonio reported by the reporter: "Before all there is the challenge to the League of concrete on the ground, exposing his statements again without result. " Then will all the rest. When will.
brings us closer to answers to within a newspaper by the President of the province Pietro Foroni and some members of his junta. Change the journalist, it's time for Alberto Belloni. Foroni says: "I'm not surprised the critics, sacred right of the minority, and even the time when she left, just as in recent days were the same militants of the Democratic Party to wake people up to their representatives. I remain perplexed instead faced with "no content". It is symptomatic that accuse us of doing nothing, offering nothing: too easy to shoot at random on the plate without putting forward concrete proposals and suggestions. Moreover, the scarcity of programming and concrete, the center we had used the previous five years. " As for the accusation putting at risk hundreds of jobs with the controversy on the products' special Ramadan "Auchan, addressed to negotiated, Foroni recalls his" courage to fight for my ideas and my principles, difficult to understand to those who agree that the world as someone else decides to go and explain to the journalist as his own commitment "to achieve record time for the temporary bridge and the final one on the Po has been a real response to the desire dell'Auchan 'to save jobs. As to the allegations
Councillor democrat Canova, Foroni says: "I think that will stay with the match in hand reading newspapers and learning of four public works starting at the same time. " They remember how the reporter of the Citizen, the bypass Livraga, roundabouts and Bertonico Malpensata and maintenance on the bike. Foroni, then adds: "Yet only a few weeks ago the commissioner announced a rain Devecchi million for works on roads and school buildings, the result of wise planning: the extraordinary level of public works, in fact, we are not all that 'start'. The same Nancy Capezzera, commissioner for traffic, responds in the article, attacking the schemes shared road system, which was one of the "symbols of the past administration," "a method that embodied the dream book, a lot of sharing zero ideas and projects: including the mayors could not wait that can be amended. " Book of dreams that also Brembio you know something as a non-delivery. It cites against the imminent departure of the work of tangential Livraga.
The words, those of "pizza," Councillor Fusar Poli is the assessor budget Devecchi to answer: "Since the argument trivializes the fact that we will eat in the pizzeria and restaurant, the specific ' is another argument: we eat at our expense. "

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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Grillini and purple people first, then squats, of anti-left and radical left, burst in Turin at the Feast National Democratic Party: What's happening to the party Bersani, and will not inspire more people to the left of that mythical than that once the PCI, however, could be maintained? After the verbal protests against the president of the Senate Renato Schifani, the time of the trade unionist Angelo Bonanni, received by the first social centers with whistles, shouts - "Money is a good servant and a bad master", "Marchionne Bonanni commands and obeys" - and throwing fake banknotes, then joined by a smoke bomb that burned the jacket without hurting him. And Enrico Letta, as well as Fassino, stunned to cry out: "You have nothing to do with democracy. You'll need the opposite of the country. You are anti-democratic. " And the next comment from the Secretary Pierluigi Bersani: "It was an act of intimidation and actual violence, an assault squad. It is conceivable that a popular festival, which lives in the heart of the city, can be attacked in this way. Expect to know by the Interior Ministry which preventive and repressive measures have been taken to prevent any such incident. " Of course, that is, as said the president of the Senate, an intolerable act that negates the democracy and must be utterly condemned, but it should reflect the PD at the end.
There is an evident malaise in the party. Evident from the statements of leaders of the most authoritative lackeys, thickening of the many administrators that the ranks of the leadership at every level. Reflected by the numerous statements of militants who have television broadcast, as news and how color, after the foul deed, that "the party of the Unit would not have happened," heard over and over again by fellow always hurt living today the prefix 'ex' that the epithet was used to attack.
The impression is that the creation of the Democratic Party with this radical departure from the left wanted to be as precise Veltroni political calculation to disappear permanently from politics Parliamentary Union's former allies uncomfortable, which led to a victory but also ensure the rapid collapse, has had at the end of a major cost for the party, to put it in a sort of "layoff" policy, pending a future location, no one knows when, who knows where. Without leadership expendable, so much so that Vendola no coincidence as it is proposed to do in Puglia by Moses to the promised land of a permanent government. Without a concrete plan innovative. And do not say otherwise. Just read any statement which speaks of the empty hands and a search for something, that gives a minimum identity of start, always, from the high level of the secretariat at the lowest level of the small insignificant provincial executive. And a separation, then, growing from citizens, from their daily lives, their needs, from a society in continuous evolution frantic, blinded by a deadly antiberlusconismo internally and turbid current games.
Luca Canova is a director of the minority Democratic Party in the Province of Lodi. In his blog he writes on the state of the art of party considerations particularly worthy of attention. His analysis starts from the day's topic, the last rabbit out of the cylinder on the theme of "destruction" of Berlusconi, and Future of Freedom, but finding similarities on how to interpret the current Italian society, or rather the inability to interpret them, arrives inevitably to talk of his party. Canova writes: "'The Democratic Party was created to unite two reforms," it was said some time ago, generously forgetting that the left is the objectively represented a centrist conservative axis, in Italy. The convolutions in which the Democratic Party struggles are the best confirmation: instead combine the best of the content originating reformist parties (I know: the proximity to the workers of the DS and the social solidarity of the Margherita), we compare and contrast the worst of old legacy (I know: some greedy Democrats to public office and an incomprehensible cult of personality for the area ex-Ds). The result: a risottone sciapo not even like the most ardent activists. " And try to answer the obvious question of why to happen, "Why also prevails in the left conservatism and conformism of a fund that automatically makes it heretical and worthy of ostracism or terminating any proposal courageous courageously the problems and solutions. Look to the issue of DICO, or the case Englaro, or the laws on the rights of couples, the RU-486 but you look above the laws passed along these lines Sanfedists ideological. " It properly asks the question: "How can we think, reasonably, to be" political alternative "if you do not propose alternative policy solutions?". Very fair.
E Canova replied: "You can not, and it is lost. Obvious result of a strategy that is in itself a loser, chasing the myth of a class moderate medium that does not exist and, if it exists, has already chosen to believe the worst European right, as at that time not twisted his mouth in front of Mussolini's operetta, the attacks of the Cosa Nostra, to the brink of a public. A moderate middle class that exists only in the minds of political scientists by living, there is no middle class in Italy, if middle class means a secular middle class, educated, liberal and European. And there is no moderation in that lump that social class is coming, but only a rough and fierce extremism. " And inevitably concludes: "We, in pursuit of this myth, we have lost credibility and consent."
One of the myths under discussion in the Democratic Party is the so-called "vocation majority. " What is meant by the term is explained Piero Fassino interviewed a few days ago by Europe: 'The vocation of the majority means that the PD must have a broad consensus, but that is not exclusive and that has the ability to lead a coalition. Nobody ever thought you could take 51 percent. " With a similar vision of the "task is clear that, as Fassino said," The knot of alliances is inescapable. Across Europe, the model is multi-pole: in Italy there are not two parties but the two coalitions. "
A move to new waters in this direction was recently Veltroni. 'Notes nostalgic understandable, because it has linked its experience leading to the season. But the call is a major policy thoroughly tested and unfortunately plenty of defeat. If this is the interpretation of Veltroni, is a return back, "says Nicola Latorre, vice president of voice dalemiana and senators of the Democratic Party, interviewed by The Morning . Latorre said: "The nostalgia for a two-party system is legitimate, but the case was filed by Congress and by the facts. And Congress is not done to waste time. There are different hypotheses are compared and an indication of the electoral law was clear: we need a way to return to citizens the choice of the elect, do not retreat from the system of alternate, non-institutionalized a two-party rejected by the Italian company. " Well not wanting to see at home, in the vacuum of the proposal, the cause of defeat, "invents" the law that elected Prodi 'stops the relationship between voters and elected "- seemed to all then something is wrong - but especially that law "is born as a law of a majority imposed on a minority." True, but the "crap" of a Calderoli was so filthy that he won his first-time opponent of his coalition.
Then there is the question of leadership. Figures like the mayors of Turin and Florence, and Renzi are Chiamparino school and revived ambitions of others. Even in our country where it seems to materialize the project within the Democratic Party to a wave of labor and management. Ambitions rise in ranking is attributed to the party Guerini, Mayor of Lodi, which screens: "I have a commitment as mayor of this city and I intend to carry it forward." And it's one that says: "It takes a great project for Italy and renewal. The party does not abandon his vocation and the majority do not lose too much tactics in formulas that are losing momentum of the program, "which does not seem right in line with the secretariat Bersani. And again: "Certainly the issue of alliances can not be eluded, but I think it is necessary to make a step forward. Fini propose as our ally can not believe in line with the mission we set ourselves when we started the adventure of the Democratic Party. The problem is not put together many forces, but think about a project and the reformist majority, in this logic we should equip ourselves because we could not make it, but I think that the direction is the right one. " Some, like Colizzi, president of the Lodi City Council, the "current" of Mayors believes, hoping that the Democratic Party nationally, "can really enhance administrators who apply," as in the case of Guerini. "There being no more school parties, local authorities are now the true fitness of the new ruling class," says Colizzi. Hoping that is not a blinding summer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Rai pride

I must make a confession:
dear friends, boys, men of hair, is not enough for your commitment, sweat, testosterone paid to combat this weakness ... in the end we are I also fell: I saw Brokeback Mountain.
not judge me, I accepted the risk of being infected just for my uncontrollable passion for cinema that offense right now, I finally forced them to close the gap.
When I have not experienced any side effects. My pants have not yet tested their resilience in the face of a calf from kicker, let alone in front of the chest of the first Bruce Willis television, and if now, I can still boast of virginity of all my orifices I owe it to the more orthodox and total respect for the status that we all have signed Studs at birth. But I asked myself, I would still

saved by RAI MOVIE frocitudine if he had forwarded the full version? If he had not cut the kissing scene and effusions from ricchione I would have kept the integrity of Italian male?
I wonder why do not I right about that decision by a television channel devoted exclusively to film and television that promotes itself as the exhibition of the Venice Film Festival. What justifies the child cut a few scenes where innocent not the fact that they are homosexual love?
do not understand why if you see some 'Lino Banfi (utmost respect) that looks through the keyhole that if Gloria Guida lathers the potato is deemed objectionable and a kiss between two men. I do not understand why Scarlett Signorini can give advice rather than from morning to night for Italian families would be eligible but not see them kiss ... ok now it's clear to me, I did not read the link.